View Full Version : unvouch these kids so dp2 is not a joke

20-03-2010, 02:39 AM


vengeful with 1-12-1 saying "what can i do" , perma feeding and saying "they are fed"


bm solo mid lvl 7 , viper lvl 11 , viper is better for mid but still....hes making dagon , havin one assist as our main ganker and doing nothing whole game .

im fucking sick of one sided games in dp2 when randoms are promoted and they cl stacks , and score going 40-5. Why not unvouch bad players so this league is what it used to be

20-03-2010, 03:29 AM
support unvouch on medo.

20-03-2010, 05:32 AM
Well i was rank 50 about 5 days ago and now 877,I started playing alot of SG's and most of them were with Lordie vouches and they all suck.Im sorry Lordie but you need to do better on these vouch requests most of the people your vouching is really horrible .

20-03-2010, 05:39 AM
The worst vengeful spirit I have seen in a long time. TheZodiac unvouched. Sephr, improve your skill asap or else you will be next in line.