View Full Version : Josh_lopes

25-03-2010, 05:04 PM
Replay: http://replay.garena.com/view.php?id=4bab7ae8bc1d2
Requested Player Name: Josh_lopes
Reason(s) why he deserves to be unvouched: Bitching, whining, flaming, blaming captain, being a hypocrite.

It's his everyday behaviour, I suggest you don't bother with warns.

25-03-2010, 07:27 PM
!support if possible

25-03-2010, 08:56 PM
1st The converstation at the begin sentinel and blalba (was heroes talk and not the team..) i think that its obviously
2nd my conversation with zeit was pure kidding and i did not get offended whatsoever
3rd Panda started with things such "Don't last hit, don't push.." what i am doing them? watching him farming? ok was what i did...
4th I BOUGHT CHICK on the began and upg it i believe in my first 200 however xindex (a.k.a leader) say thins such No courier no wards... When i hadn't money since i wasnt last hiting.. (STILL the courier was there) he just get angry cuz he have die..
5th I got angry cuz panda talk and blue and i just said "omg gg.." and then repeat my wisely capt when he said "Their picks sucks"... after say this panda a.ka (the reporter author said stop bitching) i did..
6th If you go see panda didn't allow me to farm, i couldn't farm on lane i went roam i passed throw the jungle and i decided farm a while i did to buy wards, however my team started "flaming" me again... such "There is another way of bitching support farming on jungle"... was legolas who said that.
7th The the hard flames comes, supporters are always the guys with fault so my wisely captain said "Venge u suck" and then called me a pubber.. ok i got out of my head and called him idiot.
8th For end and the one missing on my prozord team akasha called me a retard idiot saying i didnt stunned to save him when in fact i did.
9th For end panda said something like "I am going report josh u want be reported with him galah" when galah was insulting me with words such "retard idiot" ... blablabla

Just see the replay watch that game on my perspective and tell me what did i wrong, and explain if u find something really worth the ban then ban but i want to know what it is because if i get ban there wouldn't be a community..

Even though i did a pretty good work as supporter but as you may know and experienced supporters are always the guys easy to blame since they have a lot of responsabilities and even more when everyone start blaming u when u know u dont have fault and u answer them.

"It's his everyday behaviour, I suggest you don't bother with warns." - You must be joking with me, just because u are in the inf team whatever that is, you must respect the rules and if there is a rule to warn before ban and since i dont have none who are you to say ban without warn? And who tha hell are you to tell that is my everyday behaviour? Just no comment...


25-03-2010, 09:17 PM
thx for reporting.

unvouched josh_lopes for overall bad behaviour towards other players (that includes other community games aswell)

however, there is probably another player who deserves to be unvouched. so we keep this topic open for a while

25-03-2010, 09:30 PM
i want proofs... there is not just because he is from the staff he is right.. when he is not..

What games are u talking about.. this one for example akasha was the guy with bad manenrs and not me..

25-03-2010, 09:55 PM
We see every game u play :)

and Awsm isnt staffmember of dotarank, he is of InF.. thats a difference!

25-03-2010, 10:02 PM
I'm not a staff member. All the proof is in the replay.

26-03-2010, 12:50 AM
In this specific replay i think i didn't insulted no one or act in a bad behaviour..

However i'm sorry for my behaviour towards some players. I won't flame insult no one on now on.

Still i will report now then ever every flamer on games, with that i won't need to answer them back or insult.


26-03-2010, 04:57 PM
Request is Granted and Closed.