View Full Version : AutoRefreshing Script

22-07-2009, 12:55 AM
Hello there eveyone!

I am currently playing a game at facebook called Myth Monger, in which every 10 mins I gotta press a button that sends me to " http://apps.facebook.com/mythmonger/turn.php "

I am really wondering if someone here knows how to make a script that refreshes the " http://apps.facebook.com/mythmonger/turn.php " page every 10 mins or ever set a random time value between 10 to 12 mins to do that refreshing.

Anyone wishing to help me plz do so ;)

tnx a lot!

22-07-2009, 08:37 AM
Hello there eveyone!

I am currently playing a game at facebook called Myth Monger, in which every 10 mins I gotta press a button that sends me to " http://apps.facebook.com/mythmonger/turn.php "

I am really wondering if someone here knows how to make a script that refreshes the " http://apps.facebook.com/mythmonger/turn.php " page every 10 mins or ever set a random time value between 10 to 12 mins to do that refreshing.

Anyone wishing to help me plz do so ;)

tnx a lot!
well you cant do that easy if the site isn't your..
i think only c++ can solve your problem..
java script is unvailable because you must press enter w/e you can press f5 for refresh..
search for c++ guides or if you are bored to learn a lot of things request and to another forums..

22-07-2009, 08:49 AM
What you could do, however, if you have some webspace, is build your own website in PHP and do something like

<?php include("http://facebook.whatever/thepage.php") ?>

and then write a javascript there that refreshes the page every now and then, it shouldn't be too hard.

If you don't have a nice editing tool for it, try Notepad++ in PHP mode, that will probably work for you.

I can't give you the javascript from the top of my head right now but it should just be like a function with the page.reload() in it and something like setTimer(yourFunctionName, 36000) or rand(36000, 38000). That is if the setTimer thing indeed works with microseconds, which I think it does. You can get more info on the subject on w3schools.net, because what I write here might not be accurate, I'm just trying to help you on your way there.

If you don't have the webspace, I suppose you could host it locally using WampServer, which is ultra easy to set up.

Almost forgot!! This will only work if facebook is in PHP! xD I never go there so I don't know.

23-07-2009, 01:23 AM
i found something
you must use mozilla
instal and then make right click at your website and select reload every..

23-07-2009, 07:43 AM
nice, man! thinking out of the box :D

20-02-2010, 04:09 PM
just use a browser extension or get a program/script that sends "f5" key to browser once 10 minutes.