View Full Version : t4]jecho

02-04-2010, 07:58 PM
About this guy, t4]jecho, i reported him some time ago[http://www.mymgn.com/board/showthread.php?30736-Unvouch-this-SF-captain-t4-jecho] and pelatis told that he will be watching him, but i also found this request on him http://www.mymgn.com/board/showthread.php?28149-Jecho-unvouch-immediately , i quote Lordie form that request:
"t4]jecho demoted and banned 7 days
really next complaint will be unvouch".
When i made a complaint he wasn't even timebanned let alone unvouched. I am not sure if he is leader, but if he is plz remove his leader status.
The fact that I and other players are loosing games cuz of captains like this one ruines stats, i don't care about stats in a way that i want to have imba points, but i want to have positive score so i can become leader myself, also note that there are others leaders like this that make irational picks or give wrong players right heroes. If i find such i will report for sure.

03-04-2010, 07:55 PM
first, i dont know how u get vouch there with ur low skill
second, t4]jecho > you
third, u dont have proof
sometimes when u play with people like you, we need to learn you how to play, and its annoying, u should be happy to play here with u lousy skill
ok, t4]jecho flames sometimes but he calm down, atm and he is rly active on dp2 (:
btw, when he plays against me, he auto lose (:, newby jecho hahah

03-04-2010, 08:03 PM
Clearly ur friend/m8 backing u up, i wont call mines to back me up, its not argument betwean us, so lets admins decide about jecho.

04-04-2010, 08:11 AM
this will be his last warning after discussion with other admins