View Full Version : Pun1sh9?

04-04-2010, 02:35 PM
I know it has been a while since I have been among PDC. Some users have missed me and others have not.
What I want to describe in this thread is very pure. I hereby force all of those who reads this thread to use their logical sense and reply to it with honesty.

As everybody knows I have been demoted from S-Moderator to user. The reason is simple, I flamed a user. There were a reason behind my flames as well, I am a reasonable man who does something if it is necesarry. I didn't flame him out of nothing. I don't want to start up the whole issue again, but I want to face you guys with the rules of PDC. Ain't you guys banning players who are ruining the game now because this league is reducing low-skilled players? Wouldn't you guys unvouch luckyman- if he didn't listen to his captain, and if he didn't play him supportive and if he didn't heal on purpose (pure hate), and if he went mjolnirr as first item on WarLock. Just be honest now, only honesty is really appreciated or else don't comment. (Just consider souwleye as the captain, and wl to be laning with him, and if wl did those act, what would souwleye do?)

I made this thread to show what a blasphemous act and injust has been done. And none of the staff members had a logical word on it.
I today found out that luckyman- was a friend of fff]force aka head admin. doesn't this show how corrupt environment PDC actually is?
Didn't I say "Sorry for flaming the head admin of PDC" <-- even when i didn't know he was a friend of the head admin.
Some friends of admins and (including head-admins) has the very same power as themselves.

I actually don't want you guys to repromote me or w/e. I just wanted to state what a joke act has been done against me. And I feel cheated.

I just want your guys opinions, is it just me who is very wrong. Or do you agree me on this thread?

(And why I have posted this thread on this section is not because I want to be unbanned (Don't unban me). It is only because there are no other section suitable to this thread, so I thought of posting it here instead of captain application section :S or pdc general chat or w/e. I could have posted it on user abuse but nvm).

Peace to those who deserves it as well.

04-04-2010, 03:52 PM
well ill give you my opinion, but please learn to post this in the correct section.
BAN APPEALS isn't correct place. General chat would have been much more suitable surely!

1) if you were super-mod or watever you should at least know where to post this
2) the whole staff was replaced practically. Souwleye and you don't get along as far as i know by the sounds of this thread. Why would a top admin want someone he doesn't get along with to be in his day-to-day activities. It will only cause conflict. The current staff are as far as i know doing a good job. We are responding to practically all forum posts within a day
3)Force is allowed to have friends even if it is luckyman-

04-04-2010, 05:16 PM
man ruggy, I don't need your comment on this. it is just really too offroad, because you didn't even understand the whole part of my thread, but you are stuck in the paranthese.

And further, souwleye was nothing back when I was s-mod, and he has nothing to do with my demotion.

Another thing, Idc who force is friends with. The issue is, force is corrupted enough to demote a s-mod because he trusts his friend without even realizing how pathetic the issue is.

04-04-2010, 09:01 PM
When you whine, you buy a tissue punish, you dont go to a gamer-forum and start pathetic treads.
you're free to appeal your ban but do so in a reasonable manner - more of these "I want attention threads" will result in a forum ban.
