View Full Version : [REJECTED] Admin Application : b3yond

06-04-2010, 05:03 PM
Your name: alexander


Your country: greece

Occupation: student

Spoken languages: greek, english

Experience, playtimes and general info:

Battle.Net Account: b3yond

Your activity and average playtime each week: evry day at least 3 hours

How long you have been playing DotA: 4-5 xronia paizw dota, kurios b-net se chanels opws [allstars-eleos(spania)-dogs(poio palia pou niw8ane) etc..]

your ability to communicate with others: i think i m good enough

Have you read the rules and agree to follow them? yes!

How do you react/behave when you're under pressure? normal, dn vriskw kanena logo na tarazomai... Panw ap ola ena game einai!

Do you have any problems in listening/following your superior's orders? ofc(according to ranks): ofc not i m a good listener :P

Is there anyone who can vouch for you? Drizo, parafronass, the)arsonist kai alloi kaloi players pou exw pai3ei katakairous!!

Willing to discuss your application on Ventrilo?(optional): dn 8a eixa kanena apolhtws provlhma!!!

Final Thoughts

Why do you want to be an Admin:
1o: epidi 8elw na vriskw games ana pasa stigmh xwris na perimenw na adiasei slot
2on: 8elw epitelous na me sevodai kapoioi apo to team m xwris na prepei na tous parakalaw na akolou8hsoun odigies!
3on: na mporw na bannarw tous a8lious leaver kai na mn m xalane sxedon ka8e game p paizw!!

Why should we pick you and what can you offer to us: epidi ton teleutaio kairo paizw sunaixeia games apo ta host bot tou "eleos" kai eimai arketa kalos paixths (dexomai kai test game)

A few things about yourself: menw a8hna otan eimai spiti paizw dota ektos an exw diabasma opote paizw ligotero dota... :P otan exw eleu8ero xrono bgainw me parea h kopela gia kafe cinema!!!

(ews tis 1-4-2010 hmoun admin, me to pou gurisa apo diakopes eixa ginei demote.... an den ginei aprove toulaxiston pite mou to logo pou egina demote....)

13-04-2010, 11:16 AM
poor application overall, rejected.