View Full Version : Information on some rules regarding dp2

15-04-2010, 08:27 PM
People who will get banned more than 3 times will be unvouched.

On startgames there is not captain to ff it ,due to that 3 players from the same team need to agree on ff only when they agree players will leave the game, not before or the one who leaves will be added +1 ban

Manners, flames, whine, racist comments, leavers noobs from now one the person who will brake rules will be punished max 10 days depending on the situation. All of it need to be posted in the exact section , Do not pm admins until you post the situation so we know what to do.

As you all know players who disconnect from games before 15 min need to take a printscreen of the disconnection because if he has no printscreen we will unvouch him. here are the rules about it : http://www.mymgn.com/board/showthread.php?28727-DotA-Pride-Rules-Updated-6-03-2010

Do not break the rules only players are responsible for the unvouch not the admins we work under our rules respect them so we respect you, no admin pushed any of you to break a rule so you get banned each player build his fate on his actions

we will put host bot for better gaming and provide pass to some leaders so there is balance in games.

we wish you all good luck may the best win the prizes!
Best regards

The dota pride admin team