View Full Version : [DENIED] Admin Abuse : Den)eimai(Kala

26-07-2009, 08:49 PM
* Accused Admin Account : den)eimai(kala

* Game Name : nleimai

* Παράπτωμα του Admin : edwse end to game epidi lagare lol..

26-07-2009, 08:53 PM
man to game htan sto 2 kai apo toi eides eixa megalo ping eblepa eikones.......ade ma8ate oloi kai to adin abuse .............erxete o ka8enas edw kai milaei

26-07-2009, 08:54 PM
Apo tin stigmh pou eixe 400 ping kai to ekane end sto 3 den nomizw na htan paraptwma...Min eisai kompleksikos man...Sto 3 lepto to ekane.....Eixes kanei divine mipws???pfff.. ksekolate me ta akira admin abuses

26-07-2009, 08:55 PM
man to game htan sto 2 kai apo toi eides eixa megalo ping eblepa eikones.......ade ma8ate oloi kai to adin abuse .............erxete o ka8enas edw kai milaei

sto 2 :S
eleos . kai ti kaneis admin abuse re filaraki ?
na m peis oti eixes items kills kai isun level up na pw
eda3 . den mporw na ktlvw t sas peirazei toco .
9a parakalusa na ginei closed to thread :S

26-07-2009, 08:58 PM
imoun sto game
sto 3 itan to game eleos, eixe provlima me lag kai ipe rmk, den diamartirithike kanenas
de nomizw na einai gia abuse

26-07-2009, 09:37 PM
1.10 Use of the !end command

The use of the !end command in the games hosted on Clan NoL host bots is strictly permitted only on the below circumstances:

a. If there is a leaver in the first 10 minutes of the game. Especially when someone from the team with the less players (leaver's team) asks for the game to be ended, then the game admin is obliged to !end the game.

b. In case of refusal to switch as in rule 1.9.

c. In any case when the majority of all players expressly decide for the game’s termination, in case of a draw the game should not be ended.

Symfwna me to sub-rule c. afou i pliopsifia twn players symfwnouse gia end, tote dn pistevw oti yparxei kanena abuse :)

26-07-2009, 10:12 PM
dn nomizw na mas rotise :s

26-07-2009, 10:17 PM
wx drunk oti kai na peis
exeis kanei vlakeia pu ekanes abuse
gia ena game pu do8ike end sta 2 lepta .
den einai swsto .
kai 9a ginei closed eine to mno sgro .
tespa .

26-07-2009, 10:40 PM
wx drunk oti kai na peis
exeis kanei vlakeia pu ekanes abuse
gia ena game pu do8ike end sta 2 lepta .
den einai swsto .
kai 9a ginei closed eine to mno sgro .
tespa .

fuck off kid
ekrina swsto na kanw admin abuse an einai lathos tote tha paei sta denied
episis an thes na spammareis uparxoun kai alla topics opos ta funstuff
go post some jokes

26-07-2009, 10:52 PM
afou vgainoun atoma pou itan sto game kai lene oti den eixan provlima esy twra ti provlima exeis?kai pws les oti den se rwtise apo tin stigmi pou oi alloi lene oti simfwnisan?apla mathate twra kai kanete me to paramikro post apla gia na lete oti kanete...

26-07-2009, 11:04 PM
* Accused Admin Account : den)eimai(kala

* Game Name : nleimai

* Παράπτωμα του Admin : edwse end to game epidi lagare lol..
Δεν τίθεται θέμα abuse εδώ γιατί εκτός του ότι ειναι στο 2ο λεπτό με βάση τα pings ο διαχειριστής του game laggarei οπότε καλά έκανε και το έδωσε end γιατί αν πιθανώς το game ήταν lock(μάλλον πολύ πιθανώς) θα ''κατέστρεφε'' την ώρα των συμπαικτών του αν τον πέταγε ή αν έβγαινε θεμιττά αφού δεν μπορούσε να παίξει.

fuck off kid
ekrina swsto na kanw admin abuse an einai lathos tote tha paei sta denied
episis an thes na spammareis uparxoun kai alla topics opos ta funstuff
go post some jokes
Επίσης: Χίλιες φορές να κάνει σπαμ τέτοιου είδους παρά να συμπεριφέρεσαι έτσι εντός του φόρουμ.+++++ για warn στον κύριο drunkhater.

26-07-2009, 11:08 PM
ariane ;p
den kanw spam re .
apla oi apanthseis pu dinoune
aforoune ta erwthmata mu ;p
ore3h eixa na spammarw .
haha oso giauton aston stin kosmara t .
an nomizei oti prepei na kanei abuse gia end
sto 2lepto tote as kanei kai abuse epeidi kapoios ton ekane mute :s
haha .

26-07-2009, 11:14 PM
Afto to admin abuse einai poly akiro omg ....ekane admin abuse epidi o allos eixe ping terastio kai den mporouse na peksei...kai to edose end sto 2 lepto...edw ta logia einai perita...tzampa to admin abuse....

27-07-2009, 02:13 AM
paidia eida to chatlog kai eno eida oti sas proeidopoiise gia to oti tha to kanei end kaneis den eipe tpt... kai ektos autou den nomizo oti iparxei logos gia abuse sti sigekrimeni periptosi... 2o lepto xoris kills xoris items... apla ginetai rmk... min kanoume abuses gia psilou pidima re paides...

ante byeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!