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View Full Version : Read before posting !

10-07-2009, 03:00 PM
Before you start a thread, or post into someone else's thread, please read the following rules which apply to this section:

FORUM RULES (http://www.mymgn.com/board/showthread.php?t=85337)


If you fail to adhere to the rules, here are a few of the actions that might be taken against you, based on the severity of the violation.

Editing of post or signature
Removal of the ability to have a signature or link and image posting privileges
Deletion of the post or thread
Locking of the thread
A warning on record attached to the player's account. Warnings are given for less severe message board infractions. Any player that receives three warnings for misconduct will be banned.

Those who violate the rules of the message boards may or may not receive any warning before action is taken.

The Prefixes

We have 3 prefixes. English,Greek and French.

The creator of the topic has the ability to make whatever prefix he wishes, but it is obligatory that he speaks what the prefix is made.

If a user made the wrong prefix by accident, he can contact a moderator or administrator to fix it. But please do not exaggerate.

When a user makes the topic prefix for example, English, then you have to speak ENGLISH at all times whatsoever. No excuses are accepted, unless you got a really good reason.

NOTE: While our rules cover the majority of incidents that may occur, we cannot anticipate all circumstances, and as such, the Administrators of DotA Alliance (DA) reserve the right to adjudicate, and take any actions we deem appropriate, in any circumstances. This is to ensure that the forum is not disrupted or brought into disrepute, either willfully, or by association with a member. An Administrator's decision in any matter referred to him/her is final.

We further reserve the right to take any of the following actions, either ourselves, or by other staff members who are empowered to do so i.e. Forum Managers or Moderators:

To remove or modify offensive posts without notice.
To restrict the permissions of a user, or their ability to access any specified forum.
To ban anyone who violates the forum rules.
To delete any thread which is in breach of the rules, without notice.

The Administrators and appointed staff members also reserve the right to share e-mails, personal messages and information from users relating to forum management issues, among themselves, for the purpose of decision making. If you feel that your issue is too personal to be shared or discussed, please stipulate this fact in your correspondence clearly, and in ALL subsequent correspondence.

Enjoy your stay,
The Dota-Alliance Team.