View Full Version : Don't know how to call this.

08-06-2010, 07:24 PM
So.. We are playing game and sentinel begins to feed us.. they just autoattack our towers with low lvl heros. And than, when we try to destroy their tree we are getting owned (we lost exp (our kills - deaths for div-bot now)) and the reverse for sentinels. Sry for bad english. So.. game score - Winner: Sentinels (Tree Destroyed) 200+ exp to every sentinel bugger. etc.

When I asked Sentinel slark why do they feed us. He told that we are feeding them.

1 day before it I had very nice game and we destoyed mid lane in 20 minutes.. THE SAME WITHOUT FEEDERS. "Game will be scored now please w8.. Winner Sentinel."

It is not .ff or .end.

As I understand I can simply rush my enemy with lvl 1 hero and il win this game..

08-06-2010, 08:41 PM
The games got desynced - a bug with the bot - you should upload the replays

08-06-2010, 09:24 PM
Yeah I should, but i was not home playing this game. I dont have it.
Sentinel team knew about this bug, i think it will work in every game.
Its looked like stats abuse, but they were not leavers, just rushed us after each respawn. (I got 11-0 not very much i think..)

Dazzle(me) 11-0 kill/death: Why do you feed us?
Slark(enemy)2-20 kill/death: What? You are feeding us.

I lold and lost exp/got lose after few seconds.

Game was scored before destroying the tree. We just started. It was not ff or end Im sure.

Mbe hans2 made it vs leaver-kill abusers, but missed something? Anyway some people are using this "script" for getting exp.. And the winning sides are losing, lol.

I don't remember game number or nicknames. next time I'l play at home and save replay.

Sorry for my bad english once again ^^

08-06-2010, 09:59 PM
The data sent from the players were out of sync, that means the players were in the same game but saw something else happening

Desyncs do in fact happen in real games, the difference is that when Warcraft 3 is hosting a game and detects a desync it just forces the player(s) who desynced to leave the game. GHost++ doesn't do this - it allows the game to continue and prints a message instead, although perhaps this behaviour should be changed.

There are several reasons for desyncs. The map can have bugs in it that cause desyncs. Sometimes these bugs are very hard to fix and even popular maps sometimes desync (although I have no evidence to back me up I suspect that this is the main reason for desyncs). Players using poorly designed or very old hacks and cheats can sometimes cause desyncs. Players with a corrupt or broken Warcraft 3 installation can sometimes cause desyncs (e.g. the "I see pink and black boxes everywhere" syndrome). This last one is usually fixed by restarting Warcraft 3.

Modifying the sync limit should have no effect on desyncs. Although it is possible for (poorly written) bots to cause desyncs I am almost 100% sure there are no bugs in GHost++ that can cause a desync. I have been very careful to ensure that all "desyncable game data" is sent in exactly the same order to every player. If a bot does this then it's not possible for the bot to desync someone, at least as far as I know.

09-06-2010, 10:05 AM
please post replay

10-06-2010, 12:02 PM
Well as I said, I dont have it.
But today i got another game with such bug-o-users.

I was in the same team with them, weaver died 4 times - bot said that Weaver destroyed raxes.

10-06-2010, 12:03 PM
Well as I said, I dont have it.
But today i got another game with such bug-o-users.

I was in the same team with them, weaver died 4 times - bot said that Weaver destroyed raxes.

Btw I don't undertand whats wrong with Kill/Death/Assists.. I got 9-3 this game. And your game statistic says about 4-6?
Scourge axe got 16-4 and there u can see 7-10?

This replay is not very impressive as game when I saw this bug first time.
Watch it on x8 till 25 minute and than looking at the scoreboard keep an eye on weaver and slardar.

Yes yes, I was little bit impolite cause was bit enraged in the lobby.