View Full Version : Gamemode [Suggestion]

16-06-2010, 08:47 PM
I just played a few games at NordicLeague with the mode -rd (Random Draft) and I envy them..
I think -rd is the perfect mode for a public league.. It evolves certain elements of the game, which -ap simply can't!

Pros: Enlarged tactical element, rarely the same heroes, several games a row, better communication through picking face - which improves teamplay, requirement to play different heroes = better understanding of the game as a whole.

Cons: Favorite hero not always available, ??

What do you think?

16-06-2010, 09:13 PM
problem in rd is that not all heroes are selectable and its some random element

16-06-2010, 09:41 PM
problem in rd is that not all heroes are selectable and its some random element

I dont see any random element in it, since both teams has the same conditions.. There's no such thing as a "Best hero" , so the first-pick is well balanced with the 2 picks after.

I see the random element in -sd, since each team has different heropools, but in -rd its all square..

17-06-2010, 12:13 PM
problem in rd is that not all heroes are selectable and its some random element

every game has random elements in it, starting with the random amount of noobs in your team. since 50% of the league players are playing -random all the time anyway, a bit of randomness can't be that bad. RD is a great mode, very balanced (since there is the 1-2-2-2-2-1 picking order) and should in my opinion be added as an addition to -ap. People could vote in the lobby for example whether they want to play ap or rd, by typing .rd or smthg.

17-06-2010, 12:26 PM
any mode where not all heroes are selectable in any way is crap

xl is nice but very buggy

22-06-2010, 09:25 AM
I dont see rd having any advantage over AP. I mean the communication might be a bit better because ppl start chatting when they cant do (pick) right away. But in ap you can also start a discussion of what to pick ^.^ Picking a bad team is in rd not harder than in ap .. tbh you end up with crappy combos in rd more often than ap.

22-06-2010, 08:01 PM
any mode where not all heroes are selectable in any way is crap

rofl hans. right u cant pick ur bones then. l2p pls

28-06-2010, 05:20 AM
Gotta bump on this one. After cm/cd rd is by far the best mode for playing overall weather that is pubbie or league game. By this you are able to prevent newbies to pick hard dps carry like mort/void only because they think that those heros are strong and to fuck up whole game.

I am fan of few heros myself but I gotta agree that picking one hero over and over sucks.

But I gotta give credit to Hansi for not putting the shitfuckingretarded -so mode in games which is so often nowdays and which is destroying the whole game usually.

So yea Id give my vote to rd :)

13-07-2010, 04:57 AM
bump -rd