View Full Version : Pausing as observer AND gm

18-06-2010, 01:47 AM
Hi. I would just like you to take a look at this replay.

The story is, just when the game starts "Sisterfister" joins the game. He has the most exp but isnt upgraded before the game started so he enters the game as an observer. He then uses the known "pause as observer"glitch. Theres a solution for this, simply save game and resume and then .kickobs. Problem is he has the most exp so he's gm. We probably went on for 10 minutes trying to get the game started. After a while we just ended it.

Please Hans, this guy should get banned. Abusing faulty gamemechanics like that only to waste 10 other peoples time and piss them off.

Griefers can go play MMO's!