View Full Version : Vouch Request Greed-_-

25-06-2010, 01:37 AM
IRC name: Greed-_-
Q-Auth: Greed-_-
Garena name: Greed-_-
Garena UID: 38742406

*Where are you from?


*How old are you?

I'm 20 years old.

*Tell us a bit about yourself.

I've played DotA like for 4 years now. Rigth now I am beggining my studies at University, I practice soccer on weekends and go to the gym whenever I can. And of course, I love playing DotA, view replays and videos.

*Are you currently member of a clan? If yes, post one or more links to a clan profile (homepage, DotA-League profile, ESL profile, etc.).

Yes, currently I am member of the [K]^ clan, we don't have an official clan page: http://www1.garena.com/clan/index.php?module=clanview&clid=46186

*Write a brief text about your DotA history (former clans, inhouse leagues, tournaments, etc.).

I have played for several teams from my country and in various tournaments. Rigth now, I usually play in CDPL (Colombia DotA Pro League in association with Ecuador's DotA League) and in our High Level Room.

*Can you play all roles in Dota? (Carry/Gank/support/ect, We don't ask for perfection in every playstyle)

Yes, I can.

*Post at least 2 replays, preferably more, one support, and the other you may chose yourself . (Clanwar/Funwar or good inhouse replays. Use http://replay.garena.com/ to upload) or another one you know

http://replay.garena.com/view.php?id=4c23d69338866 ---> Witch Doctor
http://replay.garena.com/view.php?id=4c23d90fc4646 ---> Dragon Knigth
http://replay.garena.com/view.php?id=4c23ddd1bd9b3 ---> Shadow Fiend (playing with my K account)

*Do you know how to use Garena, IRC and Ventrilo (version 3)?

Yes, I do.

*Do you have a microphone?


*Are you aware of the rules and do you agree to them?

Yes, I agree with all the rules and terms.

*Which name do you want registered on the bot?


*Do you know any Pride members? If yes, please list them.

I don't.

*Is there anything else you want to add?

Thanks for the opportunity, I hope I'll get vouched so I can play with highskilled people from all over the world.