View Full Version : Vouch request for FFF]Jelleh

25-06-2010, 04:33 PM

My info:
Qnet auth : JellehDAman
Garena: FFF]Jelleh
UID: 12999333

* Where are you from?

* How old are you?

* Tell us a bit about yourself.

I have played dota since 2006 and I currently play for the 'fucking fast fingers' also known as FFF.

These games were recommended to me by my clanmates and I would like to get vouched to try it out, when we are not playing cw's.

* Are you currently member of a clan? If yes, post one or more links to a clan profile (homepage, DotA-League profile, ESL profile, etc.).

Yes, FFF/youknow... http://www.dota-league.com/?section=team&id=7308

* Write a brief text about your DotA history (former clans, inhouse leagues, tournaments, etc.).

Been in FFF for many years now. In the old days I guess I played CID inhouse games and funwars with friends and the occasional VIP SIG's or dota.gc games..

* Can you play all roles in Dota? (Carry/Gank/support/ect, We don't ask for perfection in every playstyle)

Yes. Althought I mainly play carry/gank.

* Post at least 2 replays, preferably more, one support, and the other you may chose yourself . (Clanwar/Funwar or good inhouse replays. Use http://replay.garena.com/ to upload) or another one you know

UPDATE: More recently, from razerleague:


Me playing Dirge in a cw vs. Impuls:


From IDL league:


Some of our clanwars and a funvideo from a scrim vs MYM.



* Do you know how to use Garena, IRC and Ventrilo (version 3)?

Yes,Yes & yes..

* Do you have a microphone?

Yeah, it is integrated in my headset for extra proness!

* Are you aware of the rules and do you agree to them?

Yes, I agree with the rules.

* Which name do you want registered on the bot?


* Do you know any Pride members? If yes, please list them.

Yes, many: youknow`luNdE- , youknow`Ryze, youknow`Linky, youknow`sortseer, ManOfTheMatch, Tabaqa ..

* Is there anything else you want to add?

Thanks for your time.

Best Regards


27-06-2010, 10:42 PM
I like your request but im not sure about ur skill.Can u give us 1-2 more requests please :)