View Full Version : Captain-promotion request template, read here before posting!

03-07-2010, 08:58 PM
Dear user

This is the only valid template for writing a captainrequest, please use it!


Battle.net Account:


Post a drafting replay:

Why do you want to be a captain?

Example and explanations:

Battle.net Account:
- Yah.int-rustox

- 22/8

Post a drafting replay:
- This replay has to contain you drafting or atleast giving alot of good advices to the captain.
- Furthermore we demand a basic understanding of dota, having bad stats doesn't matter as long as you are playing good.

Why do you want to be a captain?
- I believe I'm capable of picking properly in any given situation, furthermore I like to lead a team in dota and this is mainly why I want this promotion. This part can be more detailed if you want but it's not an requirement.