View Full Version : Admin Application : Stela_Bezadaku

17-07-2010, 06:49 PM
Personal Info

Your name:Van Epis


Your country:greece

Occupation:student at the uni.of.Pireus

Spoken languages:Greek/English/French

Experience, playtimes and general info

Battle.Net Account:Stela_Bezadaku

Former experience and/or safelisted channels:mojo/gway/spl/gr/grc/gdrl

Your activity and average playtime each week:3-4 games/day

Which time of the day you usually play:night-time

How long you have been playing DotA:4-5 years

Your ability to communicate with others:Great :)

Have you read the rules and agree to follow them? Yup

How do you react/behave when you're under pressure? It takes something REALLY annoying to temper me...im calm till the end though

Do you have any problems in listening/following your superior's orders? (according to ranks) nahhh im fine

Is there anyone who can vouch for you? Hmm dunno...mb pause_gia_wc ,Koukounara(!!!!)andOlg4 (if normal users can vouch)

Willing to discuss your application on Ventrilo?(optional)sure

Final Thoughts

Why do you want to be an Admin:well...its very difficult to join a random game if you dont have friends or someone who knows you to get a slot or two...you know this...

Why should we pick you and what can you offer to us:Nice games good players and good manners.w/o leaves from my team.There will be rare situations for posting without good reason.Normal ban ratio for leavers etc...

A few things about yourself:GO DOTA

Additional information:read above :D

18-07-2010, 01:20 AM

18-07-2010, 02:42 AM
Poly oreo to application sou, an kai dn se exw petixei se game +1 apo mena gt fenese kalo paidi me manners :)

18-07-2010, 02:52 AM
!Supportexo pe3i arketa game me to pedi kai einai poli kalos GL

18-07-2010, 02:44 PM
Support mu fanike mia xara an k exume peksi mono ena game `-`

20-07-2010, 11:12 PM
Δεν έχεις παίξει τον απαιτούμενο αριθμό παιχνιδιών ώστε να διεκδικήσεις θέση admin.
