View Full Version : .kick abuse

19-07-2010, 01:38 PM
is it a abuse of the .kick command when u get kicked by the 4 other players just because they want to .ff the game and u dont?
i even had the best stats and best farm of my team but they kicked me because i didnt ff and the sucked and wanted to end the game.
i rly hope people get banned for such shit because there was a chance we could win the game and i won even more worse games on DL...
replay added

19-07-2010, 02:47 PM
depends. if they kick u and instant ff (or have already used ff) u wont be declared as leaver, hence wont loose more points than u actually would (since the game is probably fucked up at this point, since ur team doesnt want to play anymore), if they kick u, w8 a bit over 2 mins and then ff, then its abuse in my eyes. If 4 people want to ff and 1 doesnt, i think u always should go with the team. Even if u think u could win.
didnt watch the replay btw so i dont know how good ur chances were

29-07-2010, 02:34 AM

if 4 ppl want to forfeit u probably dont have any chances left.

31-07-2010, 02:47 AM
remove the .kick command , its been abused too much and unfair.
Players start too use it just too blame some one and lose less EXP.

or make it so all 9 players in game agree to kick not only the same team.