View Full Version : why low skll ,why unvouch ?

26-07-2010, 05:26 AM
http://replay.garena.com/view.php?id=4c4cfe2c9aa18 Unvouch game replay

I'm very not bad play Suport and the Gang, Carry i play very rare time. In this game was Lion and Venga I wanted to take one of them, but they were quickly taken and remained only DUZA. I normally stood against the WR which was under the aura of CM, but then came CM gang I could go, but my mouse 6 years old and she sometimes lagging just at this moment and I could not dodge the arrows, and died a second time because of bad ward i dont see WD and me killed, then came to me immediately and killed twoUp to 10 lvl room someone has not come out of my team to help Venga already died by this time nine times and shouted loudest what I noob, Veng I would have played much better than he did. Then I tried to farm, but due to the fact that the map was little Wardow kill me. He died I do not anymore? No less? than every player in our team and among all I Why then LOW skill and I want unvoch = (
And why because of the views of several players, the admin not seeing repeat takes a severe punishment. (Sorry if an error somewhere, I use translator, I normally know English, but some words have not yet met.)
In this league, I always I go to play a serious game with serious players and always try, it is very visible in the replay Epic game :)

Below I have laid out replays as I play with sup on EEDL
http://replay.garena.com/view.php?id=4c4cfae71b0a1 Tide
http://replay.garena.com/view.php?id=4c4cfc889f383 Epic game veng
http://replay.garena.com/view.php?id=4c4cfd3da5ac2 Vich doktor
http://replay.garena.com/view.php?id=4c4cfd7c6dc07 CM
http://replay.garena.com/view.php?id=4c4cfdc89777e CM
http://replay.garena.com/view.php?id=4c4cfdf79c677 Veng
i play dota 6 years i not noob
revouch me pls )

27-07-2010, 09:41 AM
You wont be revouched. Denied. Closed.