View Full Version : Storm of the Imperial Sanctum - The new DotA?

29-07-2010, 04:25 PM
A few months after the announcement of StarCraft II in 2007, there were some rumors about a custom-map on StarCraft II which would be very similar to Defense of the Ancients. It is now official, there is really a custom-map similar to Defense of the Ancients implemented to StarCraft II called Storm of the Imperial Sanctum

Here is the description of the game from playsotis (http://www.playsotis.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=25&Itemid=28)

Storm of the Imperial Sanctum is a custom UMS for the Blizzard product Starcraft 2. Designed around the traditional AoS architecture, SotIS attempts to bring hero-based gameplay into the world of Starcraft, while maintaining the world-class visual presentation that Blizzard's Havok engine provides. Our design philosophy intends to produce gameplay that is familiar yet refreshing to both new and seasoned gamers alike.

Similar to predecessing AoS games such as Defense of the Ancients, Heroes of Newerth, and League of Legends - SotIS revolves heavily around hero-based gameplay. However, unlike such designs, SotIS introduces an element in the form of mercenaries, whose role in the game is to aid the early-game progress of your primary hero character. This inclusion should give rise to new forms of gameplay that require the unique micro and macro skills of the more RTS-focused player.

If you are not convinced by this new custom-map, feel free to watch the trailer made by OneTwo.


Source: Playsotis (http://www.playsotis.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=frontpage&Itemid=58) & Sc2Mapster (http://www.sc2mapster.com/)