View Full Version : Unban Raito-

05-08-2010, 06:16 PM
Hey guys,

I was banned because of 3x warns :

40% for afking in a game at some point - pooninthelagoon
60%% for dodging but ahah I didn't dodge at all , I didnt have time to out a game and i had to go so repped myself and since my loving pooninthelagoon doesn't like me decided to give me a 60 % warn for "dodging" because according to him " i do it all the time" . Fact is i never dodge.

and i got a third warn for a truant : I !ended a game while being game master when my team wasnt listening at all, they were all feeding and failing and it was a 100% lost game for sure and i kind of raged. That truant is deserved i agree.

What troubles me the most is that second warn which is way too high and way too wrong. When i see a guy no joining I'm not thinking HES dodging!! lets give him a 60% warn!!! I just rep him. matter of fact, seems Poon has something against me so decided to abuse a bit.

I ask for all fair admins to look over this and unban me if possible. Thanks for reading and see you later.

05-08-2010, 07:06 PM
For saying that i'm personally against you, and abusing, your warn will not be removed and you will not be unbanned.

The warn was for more than one occasion where you dodged a game because of the teams, one i was in, and one that got whispered to me. and then you did it again, with no evidence that its logical replace.

Re-apply in 2 weeks.

Good luck in the future!

05-08-2010, 11:17 PM
For saying that i'm personally against you, and abusing, your warn will not be removed and you will not be unbanned.

The warn was for more than one occasion where you dodged a game because of the teams, one i was in, and one that got whispered to me. and then you did it again, with no evidence that its logical replace.

Re-apply in 2 weeks.

Good luck in the future!

Poon it's probably better if another admin of pdc took the decision in the future if the person involved was banned by you!

Although saying this i think you are making the correct decision in keeping the ban. I do believe that it was a dodge and even if it wasn't you shouldn't sign into a game if you need to leave 2minutes later. Now if it was not planned, EG friends calling over, you could have asked them is it ok to rep me as friends called and i want to go out with them to which i would imagine people would let you unless it was a reoccurring situation.