View Full Version : Necessary Improvements/Changes for DIV-League

09-08-2010, 03:37 PM
i play a lot div league, but only with friends since im not a solo player. we spend rather much time on the bots (low - league) and there have been some changes recently which really have QUITE worsen the overall experience of div league. i hope hans2 or some of the administrators get a chance to read this and readjust the bots.

1. open games: there are a ton of safelow which is only natural but way too less safehigh games. although safehigh is a rather frequent populated experience area ranging from 1.5k - 4k. a lot of low league gamers go down to safehigh if it takes too long to start up a league game. atm there is only 1 bot hosting new games. thats way too low (low has about 5-6). there should be at least 2-4 hosting at all times (4 at high traffic times).

2. spoofchecking: this one is new since a few days i think. its REALLY annoying. since it takes around 1min-5min to get spoofchecked. since games get full quite fast. and gm always spams start not spoofed players get kicked which causes them to join the next game where they have to start spoofchecking all over again. and then they get kicked again and so on .... you see where this is going.
div has created its own snowball system which "generates" unnecessary traffic.
on top of that it annoys the players who often dont even know why they are getting kicked from the game.

3. which leads to the 3rd point start by gm. sometimes mates or me join a game to check for slots and it gets promptly started. they dont even get 2-3 second to wait up (3 times ping would take up about that amount). consequence is that those pple leave directly after gamestart which is really annoying for the rest of the 9 players who might have waited a long time to start up the game.

4. matesystem, is one of the best new features since div league has rebooted. BUT the problem is which the possibilty to swap player WHEN they are locked. that causes jerk gms who dont want to play against mates/teams to swap one and then immiatly starting the game. which results in the same scenario like in point 3.

so my suggestions for all the above points. all of them quite necessary and probably the most important to be patched:

1. ratio of new low:high:league hosting = 6:3:1 lowtraffic// 6:4:2 hightraffic at all times. bots should be configured accordingly
2. i dont know how spoofchecking is set at the moment. but it either should be only checked once or not checked at all or checked at the end of the game.
3. 3 pings for everyone joining the game or botsettings that games only can be started after 5 seconds of last new playerslot occupation
4. no swaping of locked players. they can unlock and get swaped by gm -> then they can lock themselves again. if they dont lock the autobalance will switch them back.

i hope this give the div-team some ideas. looking forward to some changes!
best regards,

09-08-2010, 06:18 PM
i play a lot div league, but only with friends since im not a solo player. we spend rather much time on the bots (low - league) and there have been some changes recently which really have QUITE worsen the overall experience of div league. i hope hans2 or some of the administrators get a chance to read this and readjust the bots.

1. open games: there are a ton of safelow which is only natural but way too less safehigh games. although safehigh is a rather frequent populated experience area ranging from 1.5k - 4k. a lot of low league gamers go down to safehigh if it takes too long to start up a league game. atm there is only 1 bot hosting new games. thats way too low (low has about 5-6). there should be at least 2-4 hosting at all times (4 at high traffic times).

2. spoofchecking: this one is new since a few days i think. its REALLY annoying. since it takes around 1min-5min to get spoofchecked. since games get full quite fast. and gm always spams start not spoofed players get kicked which causes them to join the next game where they have to start spoofchecking all over again. and then they get kicked again and so on .... you see where this is going.
div has created its own snowball system which "generates" unnecessary traffic.
on top of that it annoys the players who often dont even know why they are getting kicked from the game.

3. which leads to the 3rd point start by gm. sometimes mates or me join a game to check for slots and it gets promptly started. they dont even get 2-3 second to wait up (3 times ping would take up about that amount). consequence is that those pple leave directly after gamestart which is really annoying for the rest of the 9 players who might have waited a long time to start up the game.

4. matesystem, is one of the best new features since div league has rebooted. BUT the problem is which the possibilty to swap player WHEN they are locked. that causes jerk gms who dont want to play against mates/teams to swap one and then immiatly starting the game. which results in the same scenario like in point 3.

so my suggestions for all the above points. all of them quite necessary and probably the most important to be patched:

1. ratio of new low:high:league hosting = 6:3:1 lowtraffic// 6:4:2 hightraffic at all times. bots should be configured accordingly
2. i dont know how spoofchecking is set at the moment. but it either should be only checked once or not checked at all or checked at the end of the game.
3. 3 pings for everyone joining the game or botsettings that games only can be started after 5 seconds of last new playerslot occupation
4. no swaping of locked players. they can unlock and get swaped by gm -> then they can lock themselves again. if they dont lock the autobalance will switch them back.

i hope this give the div-team some ideas. looking forward to some changes!
best regards,

thanks for your report
only with such reports I can improve DIV
1) hmm no big deal I started an extra safehigh bot
2) you get only spoofchecked once all 24h so when u join other bot you wont get spoofchecked again
3) I dont use pings anymore to start game so you can start when game is full without waiting
4) you can swap locked players

10-08-2010, 11:58 AM
1) ty hans2, really fast response

but regarding the other points:
2) even if its only every 24h. the actual time getting spoofchecked is taking too long as described in my first post it can lead to a devilscircle. and since me and my mates play multiple accounts depending which exp is needed to play together it can take us up to 3 times getting checked which can result in almost 30min-1hour for searching games+getting spoofed alone. thats kinda slow....

3) my point was THAT there is NO ping NOW. thats why it NOT GOOD. since GMs can start the game right away. every some games me or a mate of mine joins a game which start without us beeing able to click "cancel". and thats NOT GOOD since it will cause bunch of players to leave ingame which actually is worse for the other 9 players instead of having a 5 sec countdown before start!

4) thats exactly THE PROBLEM that gms can swap locked players. if people lock themselves, guess what they DO NOT WANT TO BE SWAPPED, not by balance and ESPECIALLY not by the gm. on low and high its not big of a deal since the gms are mostly inexperienced. but on league the high exp/ experienced gms abuse that with intention so they do not have to face teams which decreases their winpossiblities. thats why it should be corrected into NO swapping AT ALL if locked.

ty for your fast response.
best regards,

PS: if you wanna talk to me in bnet my usual div accs are Nummer_007, Kayden_Kr0ss and SKT1_Bisu

10-08-2010, 12:39 PM
1) ty hans2, really fast response

but regarding the other points:
2) even if its only every 24h. the actual time getting spoofchecked is taking too long as described in my first post it can lead to a devilscircle. and since me and my mates play multiple accounts depending which exp is needed to play together it can take us up to 3 times getting checked which can result in almost 30min-1hour for searching games+getting spoofed alone. thats kinda slow....

3) my point was THAT there is NO ping NOW. thats why it NOT GOOD. since GMs can start the game right away. every some games me or a mate of mine joins a game which start without us beeing able to click "cancel". and thats NOT GOOD since it will cause bunch of players to leave ingame which actually is worse for the other 9 players instead of having a 5 sec countdown before start!

4) thats exactly THE PROBLEM that gms can swap locked players. if people lock themselves, guess what they DO NOT WANT TO BE SWAPPED, not by balance and ESPECIALLY not by the gm. on low and high its not big of a deal since the gms are mostly inexperienced. but on league the high exp/ experienced gms abuse that with intention so they do not have to face teams which decreases their winpossiblities. thats why it should be corrected into NO swapping AT ALL if locked.

ty for your fast response.
best regards,

PS: if you wanna talk to me in bnet my usual div accs are Nummer_007, Kayden_Kr0ss and SKT1_Bisu

2) spoofchecking takes max 10s so even u change accounts quite often it should be no problem
you should real stick to a single account
3) maybe dont join full games when u want play as team (mates)
4) even with .lock the gm can still decide how he wants the teams so he is free to swap mates to other team

10-08-2010, 01:08 PM
2) spoofchecking takes max 10s so even u change accounts quite often it should be no problem
you should real stick to a single account
3) maybe dont join full games when u want play as team (mates)
4) even with .lock the gm can still decide how he wants the teams so he is free to swap mates to other team

2) well then something is wrong with the bots. since weve had it for 3 days now and it takes wayyy longer than 10 secs. players who are not spoofchecked get kicked once gm writes .start. which causes them to join next game and restart the spoofchecking process again. i guess you guys have a bunch of new complaints about beeing kicked for no reason threads here since last weekend. thats the reason why... (when 4 different people - GER with about diff 10 accs have to spoofcheck and it ranges from 1min-5min i think is sufficient data to say its not 10secs).

3) well we ARE doing that but the page has delay with the actual game. so the slotcount is not instant and real time. thats why stuff like that happen. even a 3 secs stopstart when pple join a game is sufficient. but its not good if someone for what reason ever joins a game and he actually didnt intend to play. mebbe just check the stats and gm fires start right away. waste of time imo...

4) then let me ask you: whats the point of lock then if gm can cancel it anyway? then there should be no +30% exp balance punishment if the gm can do whatever he wants. and seriously whats better? just letting mates play or restart multiple games in a row which annoys all the other players just because the gm is playing jerk and mates do not want to play against each others? especially on league where there is only 1 game hosting. it only costs a lot of time for everyone else.

10-08-2010, 02:19 PM
i saw now that indeed safelow games can chocke on spoofchecking
so i guess ur playing safelow?
anyway in next build 1.238 I will speedup that spoofchecking and thus fix that issue

10-08-2010, 04:18 PM
3) In the gamelist there is a number (after bot name) which shows the actual number of free slots, too.

E.g.: Alastor.DIV +6 ; means 6 free slots in this game.

4) Got your point and indeed I don't see any sense in this command when it's handled like this. Either you fully support teams or you just keep it like it was in th past with no team support, hans. It's just frustrating the way it is. If you don#t have this command you can at least argue that div is not a team-league.

Regards, Alastor

12-08-2010, 01:28 AM
pls change .lock command hans2!

i wanted to invite 2 friends of mine to div league (separately not at the same time).

first one at a weekend (my friend and me did a 2person-lan)
we joined a game and locked ourself (text said we are locked) and could only manage to play 1 out of 7 games(!)
in all other 6 we were unlocked/swaped by gm or bot (but we used .lock.. so dont know what fucked it up)
and in the 1 we could play we had an instaleaver... game ruined too

after that no div league anymore for my first friend.

second had same issues with me around 1 hour ago.

we couldnt play a game.. around 8 tries.
unlocked, swaped, etc..

the lockfunction is just not working! and i cannot get friends into divleague if it wont work!....

12-08-2010, 04:09 AM
i guess gm swapped u
better tell to gm that ur mates

12-08-2010, 03:57 PM
1. we locked. all could read we are mates (in most cases gm didnt join after us, so he should see it)
2. why should he manually swap us? there were no other guys saying "swap me to sentinel pls" and i would be swapped with him so i would go scourge
3. we yelled that we are mates after we locked but it seemed in 1-2 cases that immediately after writing "we are mates" gm swapped us...

/€: u could easily fix this by modifing the lock command.
in case u are afraid of abuses like using it without having a mate to play for sure (and not balanced to observers) just make lockcommand use nickparameters
for example: player1 is mate of player2
player 1 needs to type ".lock player2" and player 2 writes ".lock player1"
the system valifies that both are mates, no slotabuse. all fine
and both are then unmoveable! (or in advanced case only moved together for balance, if 2 groups locked theirselfs)

i would rly appreciate changes in favor of teamplay (and not to remove the .lock command)

sry for my bad english

12-08-2010, 04:50 PM
in case u are afraid of abuses like using it without having a mate to play for sure (and not balanced to observers) just make lockcommand use nickparameters
for example: player1 is mate of player2
player 1 needs to type ".lock player2" and player 2 writes ".lock player1"
the system valifies that both are mates, no slotabuse. all fine. and both are then unmoveable!

No point in a .lock command if gm can overrule it.. Then its almost the same if lock didnt exist..

12-08-2010, 05:08 PM
As I said: Change it or get rid of it.

I like the idea of Wandang best, too.

15-08-2010, 02:31 AM
thank u^^

in an advanced way it would great if 2 ppl can lock theirselfs and the bot will automatically put them in one team (+balance).
so if u join a nearly full game and are seperated after joining u could be together without asking gm for swap or leaving^^