View Full Version : Unban request ErWtAs_

13-09-2010, 01:13 PM
B.net name: ErWtAs
Accused user: dont know
Reason: they kicked me from the game and then banned me for rageleave
Gn: **zard
Details: Well as you can see in the replay we started the game and at the first wave pink told me that i will go in woods. i tell him i dont wood and he tells me go nuetrals or i kick you and i said no and he kicked me out of the game. But after the kick someone banned me and i cant join the clan or any game. Please unban me and do something about the user that banned me.
Best regards ErWtAs

06-10-2010, 03:14 PM
I guess you got unbanned since almost a month has passed.

Closed and moved