View Full Version : MPD #12: TheRetry disqualified

15-09-2010, 11:43 AM
http://imgur.com/tzFz9.jpg (http://imgur.com/tzFz9.jpg)

Yesterday took place the fourth and last Quarter-Finals of the MYM Prime Defending Tournament between TheRetry and LGD.sGty. A few problems occurred in this game including a bad behaviour from players of the Russian side. Despite their win of 2 to 0 over the Chinese team, the organizers have decided to disqualify them from the competition due to their insults towards their opponents.

There is a rule saying that players must act mature and mannered both in-game and in the chat channels. If this rule is broken, the team may get banned from the tournament/site and it is what happened with TheRetry.

Act mature and mannered both in-game and in the chat channels. Offending the administration and/or participants of this tournament will result in punishments and might lead to a complete ban from the tournament and/or website.

Here are some screenshots about the Russian side insulting their opponents:
http://imgur.com/FPxEO.jpg (http://imgur.com/FPxEO.jpg)
[All] (AmsiWildLion) SUCK
[All] (AmsiWildLion) FUCKING
[All] (AmsiWildLion) BITCHES
[All] (TR^SmiLe) y
[All] (TR^SmiLe) nice
[All] (TR^pggshka) OK
[All] (TR^SmiLe) closed
[All] (TR^SmiLe) sry
[All] (AmsiWildLion) GO HOME
[All] (AmsiWildLion) BITCHES
[All] (AmsiWildLion) CARRY

http://imgur.com/dBzGx.jpg (http://imgur.com/dBzGx.jpg)
[All] (TR^pggshka) fucking chill
[All] (TR^pggshka) bitches

And so on ....

There has been a huge a debate regarding this punishment but the rules are rules and you cannot break them. The decision from the organizers may be a it too harsh for some people but if it can help the DotA scene to be more professional, this decision is without any doubt the best.

Nonetheless, the captain of TheRetry Vladimir 'plzgogame' Anosov along with Oleg 'Amsi' Rolya apologized to LGD.sGty and the community but unfortunately, the punishment cannot be removed.

With TheRetry being disqualified from the competition, LGD.sGty advances to Semi-Finals where they will face the Aussie team, MCiTY who defeated MeetYourMakers in the previous stage.

Source: myMYM (http://www.mymym.com/en/news/19143.html)
Source: ProDotA (http://translate.google.ru/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=ru&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&sl=ru&tl=en&u=http://prodota.ru/index.php%3Fpage%3D1108)