View Full Version : He flamed and destroyed my objects

Icatian Night
20-09-2010, 07:33 PM
Hello there Divine-Leagues and Safelow, Safehigh players...

I would like to show you a replay...

An Earthshaker (Buckescu or how is written) first flamed (I know i did a real horrible game with magina), and for now you can think, why we should ban or do something to him? Flame is a normal thing in Dotas everybody knows... But a player that destroys items of his mates? Isn't a correct thing... Right? I guess that a person that does something like that must be punished...

I bought "Blade of Alacrity" and "Yasha's Recipe" [At minute 25/27 of the game] and when I returned in the base I didn't find them... :O I asked but none replied me... So I decided to see the replay and at 25/27 you can see that Earthshaker takes my two objects and destroys them...

I don't know if you will ban him or not... But an ammonition for me is enough...

[P.s. :Obviously I was playing a div]

Thank you for your time, I really appreciate your works with Divs... Thats the only reason for why I play warcraft... Really

[P.p.s. It's my first time with this kind of upload, forgive me please if you can't download it I will reupload the Replay]

My account name is "Dark_21" as you see he starts as first to insult the team then he tries to kick me and I reply him... Then happens everything

Cya and good game