View Full Version : [SOLVED] Admin Abuse: s(o)s

19-10-2010, 04:30 PM
* Όνομα του κατηγορούμενου admin: s(o)s

* Game Name:

* Παράπτωμα του Admin: Prolong

* Περιγράψτε τι συνέβη και σε ποιο λεπτό : Sto 26' o s(o)s kanei prolong. Ton exo enimerosei gia ta rules. Afou pethainei me kanei ban, afou ton skotosa dipla stin pigi mou. Sti sizitisi pou akolouthei paradexontai pos menoun gia na mazepsoun kills.

Ligo prin o 1_Hit_Vash vrizei. Exo pei ff apo to 23 kai otan telika to vlepoun meta apo 2 lepta meno stin pigi. Ola afta se game pou paizoume 4v5...

19-10-2010, 04:32 PM
(24:49) Rigenereison: ff
(24:56) la_fete: ff
Apo ti stigmh p eipate FF eprepe na stamthsei to prolong
Alla den eisai o monos p ton ekane abuse giafto to demote einai sigouro!

19-10-2010, 04:33 PM
paidia o s(o)s apo oti blepw synexeia apasxolei to forum..exei faei kai alla abuse apo oti thimamai..mipws ir8e h wra gia...?

19-10-2010, 04:55 PM
Καταρχήν συγγνωμη για τα Greeklish στο αρχικο μηνυμα.
Είπα ff η αλλιώς concede τελοσπάντων. Όταν είδα πως το καταλαβαν έμεινα afk. Έλαβα προειδοποιηση πως αν επιτεθω είναι bannable όπως και γνωρίζω. Και στη συνέχεια προειδοποίησα με τη σειρά μου για prolong.
Δεν έχω κάτι προσωπικό με το παλικάρι.
Δε θυμάμαι να έχουμε ξαναπαίξει καν.
Δε με πείραζε να χασω, κάτι σαφές πιστεύω, όταν στο dc της Mirana λέω να μείνουμε 4vs5 και όταν ο ένας από τους 4 μας είναι Techies.

Ευχαριστώ και καλησπέρα σας κύριοι

---------- Post added at 04:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:45 PM ----------

1.13 Forfeiting the game

Any team that believes they have lost the game has the right to forfeit it. Forfeiting is accepted when at least 4 members (4 or 5) of the team declare it clearly in All Chat (eg. by saying "forfeit" or "ff") and only after at least 1 of the 6 barracks of the team's base have been destroyed. If a team forfeits the game legally the following rules apply:

a) The players of the team that forfeited are obliged to return to and are not allowed to exit the square of their fountain and neither attack nor cast spells outside of it. Any kind of spell or attack towards the forfeited players while they still remain in the fountain, is strictly forbidden. If a player from the forfeited ones attacks an enemy who is with low hp (e.g. from tower hits) aiming to kill him, he is punished with immediate ban.

b)When 4 players of a team forfeit but the 5th still wants to defend his base, the enemy team is allowed to attack him (always when he is outside the fountain), but not to use this as an excuse so as to attack the rest of the team which has already forfeited and remains inside tha fountain.

c) The player that won the game may not attack neutral creeps or Roshan or stay outside the enemy fountain aiming to attack the enemy team which remains inside it. They are generally obliged to push so that the game ends as soon as possible.

Rules a), b) and c) comprise the meaning of the term prolong ανd any violation of them leads to immediate ban.

We note that the above rules only apply when a team forfeits the game as explained above. If there is no valid forfeit from the absolute majority of the team then normal afk and gameruining rules apply and there are can be no prolong violation.

Uncertain or ambiguous situations must be reported and judged by the staff.

Παραπάνω παραθέτω κομμάτι από τα rules. Έμεινα afk όταν 3 στους 4 είπαμε ff. Πιο πριν θα ήταν gameruining. Βρέθηκα εκτός πηγης από hook του Pudge. Πιο πριν ο κατηγορούμενος admin εκφόβιζε για ban χωρίς τελικά να έχει υπόψιν του τους άνοθεν κανόνες. Μου είπε να μείνω afk εν ολίγοις χωρίς να έχουν πει 4/5 ή πιο σωστά 3/4 ff...

19-10-2010, 05:24 PM
rre me to a leei ama kaneis skill i kati akoma kai deuteron den ekana prolong egrafa ston filo mou kai mpikai monos tou mesa stin pige kai vlepei na feugo kai me kanei ulti gia na me kanei kill......

19-10-2010, 09:24 PM
dld sta posa abuse tha ginei demote o tipos?exei idi 3 na ekremmoun gia simera mono!episis kanei attack ston techies opote exoun dikaioma oi allies tou techies na kanoun support ton techies!episis ta manners tou team tou gt dn ta bannare i dn ta mutare?lepto gia prolong pleon dn iparxei!k teleutaia paratirisi...iparxei ff k to game telionei poli argotera gt kovoun voltes oi scourge....hello...PROLONG

---------- Post added at 10:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:01 PM ----------

finally Justice...

19-10-2010, 09:28 PM
Έχει απαντηθεί Εδώ (http://www.mymgn.com/board/showthread.php?51527-Admin-Abuse-s%28o%29s)