View Full Version : Enought with the leaves

20-10-2010, 01:36 AM
I know the motto is "Don't play pubs" but,
What about the guys that just try out the place?

Let's say I am a new guy, i just joined RGC and i try a pub game, suddenly 4 guys leave.Will i ever play again here? Not.

I'm not saying something drasticall, just if you leave 3 times in 14 days you get banned for 1 month.

3 times in 14 days is more then enought for ragequits & internet fails.

20-10-2010, 02:53 AM
Another solution to this will be presented soon.

Sir Rogers
20-10-2010, 06:20 AM
I say let's talk about this. It's always good to hear out different ideas and discuss everything from a different angle. It doesn't hurt to have more than one solution and then time will show which one is the best.

Sir Rogers

20-10-2010, 10:02 AM
I'm not saying something drasticall, just if you leave 3 times in 14 days you get banned for 1 month.

3 times in 14 days is more then enought for ragequits & internet fails.

not drastical? oO
3 times in 14 days is waaaaaay overdone.

20-10-2010, 06:31 PM

So, if you leave 3 times in 7 days you get banned for 1 month.
If you get "caught" one more time leaving 3 days in 14 days after the first ban you get banned for 3 bans.

And you get .compban not timeban, because they can just make another acc and nothing solved.

I think 3 times in 7 days is enought for ANY ragequits/internet fails, if you leave more then that..well then Garena is your place.

20-10-2010, 07:46 PM

So, if you leave 3 times in 7 days you get banned for 1 month.
If you get "caught" one more time leaving 3 days in 14 days after the first ban you get banned for 3 bans.

And you get .compban not timeban, because they can just make another acc and nothing solved.

I think 3 times in 7 days is enought for ANY ragequits/internet fails, if you leave more then that..well then Garena is your place.

Hmm, timeban does compban too, but only from channel where is timeban commited.

20-10-2010, 08:29 PM
Due to most private channels on RGC being a, let's say, disgrace to it due to things we all know, we decided to close inactive ones + E-Astral, leaving Dpl/IH for higher skilled players.

Now problem arises for players whos skill level isn't high enough for those channels.
What to play?
Public is kinda only solution and it's, as any public, pretty spoiled with leavers/flamers/game ruiners and it's impossible to strictly moderate it as, firstly, it's...well, public and secondly it would take WAY too much time, especially with RGC users database growing rapidly.

So, solution to this would be in a making of a open public league for lower skilled players.
Without skill requirements but strictly moderated by staff.
Prerequisite for getting vouch should be low DC rate and NO leaving at all.
I suggest auto vouch system after xx number of games without leave/too much DC-ing, aswell as auto ban for leaving (at least 7 days) or DC-ing over limit which will be decided.

It would allow public players to play games which at least aren't ruined by leavers or game ruiners, even hackers.

Since most public players watch at points as a measure of skill level, I suggest either making certain games unjoinable without certain number of points or, as Rogers said, more tiers, which become "unlocked" as user gets more and more points.

Manners, unless it's insulting of a nation or race, should be ignored more or less and not an prerequisite for entering.

It would balance public games, making them way more acceptable & playable.

Europe public channel should remain as it is current, for people who would get rejected from this public league.

20-10-2010, 08:35 PM
Due to most private channels on RGC being a, let's say, disgrace to it due to things we all know, we decided to close inactive ones + E-Astral, leaving Dpl/IH for higher skilled players.

Now problem arises for players whos skill level isn't high enough for those channels.
What to play?
Public is kinda only solution and it's, as any public, pretty spoiled with leavers/flamers/game ruiners and it's impossible to strictly moderate it as, firstly, it's...well, public and secondly it would take WAY too much time, especially with RGC users database growing rapidly.

So, solution to this would be in a making of a open public league for lower skilled players.
Without skill requirements but strictly moderated by staff.
Prerequisite for getting vouch should be low DC rate and NO leaving at all.
I suggest auto vouch system after xx number of games without leave/too much DC-ing, aswell as auto ban for leaving (at least 7 days) or DC-ing over limit which will be decided.

It would allow public players to play games which at least aren't ruined by leavers or game ruiners, even hackers.

Since most public players watch at points as a measure of skill level, I suggest either making certain games unjoinable without certain number of points or, as Rogers said, more tiers, which become "unlocked" as user gets more and more points.

Manners, unless it's insulting of a nation or race, should be ignored more or less and not an prerequisite for entering.

It would balance public games, making them way more acceptable & playable.

Europe public channel should remain as it is current, for people who would get rejected from this public league.

i think fear explained everything, and im supporting alot his idea

20-10-2010, 09:25 PM
I'm supporting too this idea by fear. If we catch up zemunac online, we could add his old bot to this channel. Why is his bot good,lets see what is he offering:
- Integrated scoring system
- You will be auto-vouched when you hit 11 games without leave
- Points are calculated only on win/lose base, the amount of points you win or lose depends of 3 things, your points, your teams mates points, and other team points. So if you are playing with team with >points then you, you have chance to "earn" more points by winning game.
-Automatic timed ban( 5 days for leave first time, 10 days for second, etc)
-Hosting games with minimum points requirement( for example Ranked public -cm -1600, bot wont let anyone with less then 1600 points to join game)

Commands are less important but still more advantageous then those in pub:
!points - will display your points, and teams average. It will look like this:
Player: Zemunac has 1545.12 (+34 / -42 ) points
1545.12 is my current points, but this is interesting +34 / - 42 , that means that in care my team wins this game I will win 34 points, and if we lose i will lose 42.
!pointsall - Same as rankall, but it will display points of all players in game.
!diff - It will only display the amount of points you will win or lose.
!checkme - Displays your ping, location, etc.
!statsdota - Dota stats
You can do !points "name" in channel and if that user has played games bot will whisper you his points.