View Full Version : Clan DIV announces the games on Channel!

20-10-2010, 07:42 PM
Great news for all DIV players!

We created 5 bots to announce the open games which are in the lobby.
From now, you can enter the channel "Clan DIV @ Europe - Battle.Net" to see them!

Special thanks to Prince.Zero (http://www.mymgn.com/board/member.php?58-Prince.Zero) for his work.

Enjoy your gaming DIVers. =)

21-10-2010, 11:11 AM
That's seriously a great new. Is there a way to see our stats?

21-10-2010, 12:42 PM
That's seriously a great new. Is there a way to see our stats?

Not yet, but soon.

21-10-2010, 12:45 PM
Not yet, but soon.

Great, keep up the good work.

25-10-2010, 08:30 AM
GJ ;-)

25-10-2010, 09:20 AM
is like channel NOL??? is for DOTA right???
you have somthing with channel NOL or is new thing and nol have nothing to do with this???

25-10-2010, 03:03 PM
is like channel NOL??? is for DOTA right???
you have somthing with channel NOL or is new thing and nol have nothing to do with this???

Div-League and Nol are totally different. www.div-league.com Enjoy !

08-11-2010, 11:51 AM
That's nice BUT
I joined the channel this morning and they were (1) no game annoucement, (2) when you join a random div game to get the game which is filled up in your class there is no more info.... U have now to do a .games and find the good one

My conclusion : It is a good idea but atm it decreases the effectiveness to find a game and just sucks....

Would you be able to just at least keep the message on the bots when u join a random game and it would be fine
If people prefer idling in the channel waiting for a bot to tell us where to go it s no prob imo