View Full Version : DuncSTL Server Admin Application 10.28.10

28-10-2010, 06:16 PM
Name: Dunc
Age: 33
Location: St. Louis, MO USA
Technically how savvy are you: 9/10 Advanced, and am confident with very little I can get a firm understanding of plugins to offer another hand in the heavy lifting. I also have some server space that can be used if needed.
Why will you be a good admin: I am fair, and have had many years experience leading gamers and being able to diffuse disputes while remaining calm. I am helpful and have no problems offering my assistance to others.
What if any previous experience do you have: I have been leading gaming clans/guilds for 12 years, in that time i have accumulated well over 15,000 hours in game(s), 25,000 forum posts, and who knows how many Red Bulls and Good Times. Many of my best friends are gamer friends who I talk to via VOIP on a weekly/daily basis.
What do you consider makes an admin a good one: Non Biased position with the tact and ability to manage situations and provide resolutions. Gamers often bump heads, I am the buffer that solves those issues... and I do it with NO ego... well, ok maybe some :)
What else can you offer: I am a graphic designer / front end web designer, can help with graphics, videos, and website work... versed in WP and many other CMS', I wish I could say I am a dev, but I am not a huge fan of code, yet I can fish my way through issues when they arise.
What is your favorite band:I am a Dave Matthews Band fanatic, with over 20 gigs of just DMB Live.
Tell us a quick story about a great experience in gaming you've had: I was leading TeamFahQ in Guild Wars, we had a very strong guild of around 100 players. We were a competitive PVP guild, that with over 3,000 hours play time and 300 GVG matches, we climbed the international ladder to our best record of #13. My friends Zugger, and ALmightyTom are both FahQ'ers, we kicked some major ass with some Pink & Green Sauce... (sorry inside joke)
If you were a sandwich, which one would it be and why: I would be a BLT... and not your Grandma's BLT, a big ass Ciabbata with Hickory smoked Maple Bacon, Heirloom Tomatoes, Arugula, and my own Tarragon Ayoli... yeah, It would basically rock your fucking tongue off.
Any other Comments you wish to leave us: I am having a great time getting to know the folks on the server, and hope we continue to grow the server and create a bad ass world.
