View Full Version : F A I L

02-12-2010, 03:28 PM
This is thread where I will post in-game screen shots that I find funny. Notice my observers on the map ';.;'

Going side with veno AND maxing snakes = fail
Getting bottle = fail
Getting arcane boots = fail

And this is 8k XP league player.

http://img253.imageshack.us/img253/9072/wc3scrnshot120210120510.jpg (http://img253.imageshack.us/i/wc3scrnshot120210120510.jpg/)

Midas on riki = fail
Desolator on riki = fail
Whole game farming both jungles for stupid items (check the number of assists) + soloing roshan with riki = fail

http://img338.imageshack.us/img338/6936/wc3scrnshot120210134437.jpg (http://img338.imageshack.us/i/wc3scrnshot120210134437.jpg/)

02-12-2010, 07:28 PM
Post about fail of Veno that isn't it=fail. Veno with wards is good, you stupid tard. U want laugh about others, but fail self ahahaha

02-12-2010, 07:34 PM
My friend , i think you are wrong
these items do not proove failure . . . especialy for venomancer . . . everybody has its own style of playing some heroes - do not judge their choice - its wrong . . . you are wrong

02-12-2010, 07:35 PM
maybe is fail...but in that game this guy believe that this items is good.....

02-12-2010, 11:05 PM
why is deso on riki fail? agha on riki would be fail but why deso?
only because people dont play the way u do doesnt mean they play wrong

u obviously rage bout some players that flamed u and now u want everyone to tell u they fail so u feel better, but what u describe as fail isnt ...

03-12-2010, 02:08 AM

I do not want to discuss anything with you after your Look_at_me_I_know trolling.


"Style of play" does not have any connection to the "proper" item build, which is discussable on the other hand. Bottle on any hero? Yes, if u roam the map. But only then. Mana for any... and I mean... ANY... agi hero in dota? One big NO.

If you play support, as this veno is doing it (as it seems, no matter how strange it sounds), then u get hex - not dmg item like yasha.

I know leagues where r u voted for ban if they saw u ingame buying item like arcane boots for any agi hero. But this is not uber_pro_high league, so I can post this and laugh at it :P


I dont rage, I laugh. I dont flame ingame, I just notice, I am trying not to say things that are not helping (sell those items noob, they are wrong for that hero - doesnt help any1). I really dont care, I dont have time to teach everyone how to play dota and how to build items.

And I didnt start this thread to prove my point on anything. There are some players, like me, that will laugh hard when they see this. And that is the only reason ;)

And now, to answer your question. I will call this Dota lesson number one.

You see, there is a simply clue on how to make some of the items for heroes. They are called "core items", and there is a reason for it.

Every hero have certain skill. What you do in dota, you try to make as many items that go "around" your skills or particular skill.

For instance, best skill on medusa is shield. That makes her good tank for absorbing damage. So you make items that pumps up that skill - mana and HP. Linken&manta is a must have, then its up to you what will you do next. I usually, as most of the good players, go for hot. And that is dusa as she is meant to be played - tank in team with AOE dmg (split arrows). Now, for riki. His best ability is 3rd one. So you get items that pumps up that skill = lots of agi items + hp (all heroes needs hp hehe).

You really think that mom on void or bara is there for life leech? Think again.

Anyway, back to topic:

Dota lesson number two - there is NO hero in dota, xcept Ursa, that have ANY use of vladi as 1st item. Sure, if I plan on doing vladi at some point in game, I buy ring and basilus for some hp and mana regeneration. Then I play on, doing some core item like butterfly on magina. So, when I get back to base with treads, basilus, ring, 2x wraith and butter in my inventory, then and only then will I finish vladi for magina - and this is the point where vladi actually does its only purpose = staying longer in fights (survival).

Life leech, at lvl 9-10, is just a waste of money. You really think that life leech of 5-6 dmg per hit (and this is the best case, its even lower) will help you survive any 1 on 1 fight? Think again.

Same thing is maxing aura on skeleton king in the beginning.

This is fail - gondar with 1st item = vladi. Zero additional dmg while roaming the map (lacking 1200 gold = 900 mask + 300 recipe) instead of buying that nice sword for 1200 gold.

His critical is lower than 300, he lacks some HP like2x wraith or treads on STR. This is also +8k XP player in DIV-league.

Stay tuned, Mr. HaM is out :)

http://img535.imageshack.us/img535/5366/wc3scrnshot120210235520.jpg (http://img535.imageshack.us/i/wc3scrnshot120210235520.jpg/)

03-12-2010, 02:31 AM
Who are U btw
nobody asked you to do us lessons
probably U are not better than these two guys.
If i want i can have a deso and a s & y. Is there anything wrong with this?
is it funny enough for U? should we ask you first?
Plz don't be Mr. Wise Guy , U are not
Don't make fun of people who play less wisely than you do. It's not fair...

03-12-2010, 07:23 PM

I do not want to discuss anything with you after your Look_at_me_I_know trolling.


"Style of play" does not have any connection to the "proper" item build, which is discussable on the other hand. Bottle on any hero? Yes, if u roam the map. But only then. Mana for any... and I mean... ANY... agi hero in dota? One big NO.

If you play support, as this veno is doing it (as it seems, no matter how strange it sounds), then u get hex - not dmg item like yasha.

I know leagues where r u voted for ban if they saw u ingame buying item like arcane boots for any agi hero. But this is not uber_pro_high league, so I can post this and laugh at it :P


I dont rage, I laugh. I dont flame ingame, I just notice, I am trying not to say things that are not helping (sell those items noob, they are wrong for that hero - doesnt help any1). I really dont care, I dont have time to teach everyone how to play dota and how to build items.

And I didnt start this thread to prove my point on anything. There are some players, like me, that will laugh hard when they see this. And that is the only reason ;)

And now, to answer your question. I will call this Dota lesson number one.

You see, there is a simply clue on how to make some of the items for heroes. They are called "core items", and there is a reason for it.

Every hero have certain skill. What you do in dota, you try to make as many items that go "around" your skills or particular skill.

For instance, best skill on medusa is shield. That makes her good tank for absorbing damage. So you make items that pumps up that skill - mana and HP. Linken&manta is a must have, then its up to you what will you do next. I usually, as most of the good players, go for hot. And that is dusa as she is meant to be played - tank in team with AOE dmg (split arrows). Now, for riki. His best ability is 3rd one. So you get items that pumps up that skill = lots of agi items + hp (all heroes needs hp hehe).

You really think that mom on void or bara is there for life leech? Think again.

Anyway, back to topic:

Dota lesson number two - there is NO hero in dota, xcept Ursa, that have ANY use of vladi as 1st item. Sure, if I plan on doing vladi at some point in game, I buy ring and basilus for some hp and mana regeneration. Then I play on, doing some core item like butterfly on magina. So, when I get back to base with treads, basilus, ring, 2x wraith and butter in my inventory, then and only then will I finish vladi for magina - and this is the point where vladi actually does its only purpose = staying longer in fights (survival).

Life leech, at lvl 9-10, is just a waste of money. You really think that life leech of 5-6 dmg per hit (and this is the best case, its even lower) will help you survive any 1 on 1 fight? Think again.

Same thing is maxing aura on skeleton king in the beginning.

This is fail - gondar with 1st item = vladi. Zero additional dmg while roaming the map (lacking 1200 gold = 900 mask + 300 recipe) instead of buying that nice sword for 1200 gold.

His critical is lower than 300, he lacks some HP like2x wraith or treads on STR. This is also +8k XP player in DIV-league.

Stay tuned, Mr. HaM is out :)

http://img535.imageshack.us/img535/5366/wc3scrnshot120210235520.jpg (http://img535.imageshack.us/i/wc3scrnshot120210235520.jpg/)

oh wow NOW i get the joke he bought vlads first bwhaahaha

... srsly i nearly died here cause i couldnt breathe

and whats wrong with pt on agi while u creep, u can actually change the setting of these badboys

and heres life-lesson-nr1

if u want people to laugh about smth it should be funny in any way... the only funny thing here is how much u actually wrote here (sorry i skipped the mid part...) seems u had quite the desire to explain urself

well we probably wouldnt be that unfriendly here if u werent such a douche ...

03-12-2010, 08:09 PM
Well, douche, if you do not find funny some of this photos, I am sure some1 will.

On topic:

Slardar lvl +7 without sprint on max :D hehehe And on top of it - phase boots :D

Bugs on map are just example on how NA should place them: 1x roshy, 2x runes, 2x main paths and 3x enemy neutrals :P

http://img835.imageshack.us/img835/8881/wc3scrnshot120310022324.jpg (http://img835.imageshack.us/i/wc3scrnshot120310022324.jpg/)

One of my favorites - vanguard on Levi :D We made jokes about this all game long :D

http://img139.imageshack.us/img139/5701/wc3scrnshot120310165438.jpg (http://img139.imageshack.us/i/wc3scrnshot120310165438.jpg/)

04-12-2010, 07:15 PM
n1 selfpwn: all i see in the first image is 2 8 lowest level of all fail thrall...

04-12-2010, 07:45 PM
fail h oxi na kerdi8ei to game thats the point!!!!

04-12-2010, 08:06 PM
Okay, I am going to give my opinion about this thread and the screenshots which are in it.

First of all, I do not understand why you maker this thread. What's the point of showing to everyone how bad someone is? Wouldn't it be smarter to tell to the player who played bad what he did wrong and what he should not do in the next games?

Let's talk about the first screenshot with Venomancer. Considering that it is a public game as I do not call "Div-League" a good league with good players, you will never or rarely see someone playing it correctly. When I was playing this "league" for fun, everyone was going for wraith bands, helm of dominator, manta and so on but people do not know that this hero is normally played as support, like vengeful spirit. Everyone in Div-League and other low skill leagues play vengeful spirit as carry and that's really hilarious. Vengeful spirit is the one supposed to buy wards in game, he is support. We pick venge for his aura like Crystal Maiden.

As for Venomancer, having stick is fine and I would opt for Power Thread (Strength) instead of this Arcane boot.

Regarding the second screenshot with Riki, I don't see why you are that angry on him. Hand of Midas is actually not bad as it gives him more attack speed and he can farm his core items faster. As for Stygian Desolator, I agree that it is not the best item he should farm but it is not that bad either, I mean it gives him a lot of damage and that's already good but there are better items that Riki should go for. The only stupid thing I see on this screenshot is which shocked me is that you play in 5vs4, their main carry left, Sven doesn't seem to be very good and yet you do not push, you can win this game even without Riki and the funniest thing is to see you (Tinker) with the lowest level in your team. Seriously, how can Tiny/Warlock have bigger levels than you? Weren't you solo midd? Please, do not tell me you were teaming-up with someone on another lane?

"Style of play" does not have any connection to the "proper" item build, which is discussable on the other hand. Bottle on any hero? Yes, if u roam the map. But only then. Mana for any... and I mean... ANY... agi hero in dota? One big NO.

What he meant is that everyone has their own items build. For instance, people will opt for soul ring on EarthShaker and others will opt for Arcane Boot, however, both are good items.

If you play support, as this veno is doing it (as it seems, no matter how strange it sounds), then u get hex - not dmg item like yasha.

So you are saying that support heroes such as Crystal Maiden, Vengeful Spirit and so on should farm for hex? Would you mind explaining your reasoning? The only support hero I would go Hex with would probably be Witch Doctor but only in pub =)

And I didnt start this thread to prove my point on anything. There are some players, like me, that will laugh hard when they see this. And that is the only reason :D

You sound very arrogant in this post and yet you play in a pub league game. If you would be that good, you would be known as professional player. I don't want to offence you but you should put aside your huge ego.

For instance, best skill on medusa is shield. That makes her good tank for absorbing damage. So you make items that pumps up that skill - mana and HP. Linken&manta is a must have, then its up to you what will you do next. I usually, as most of the good players, go for hot.

Could you please define "good players"? I don't see the point of making Heart of Tarrasque whereas there are better items for this hero such as Butterfly/Satanic/Skadi etc... So considering that you normally have Power Thread or Boots of Travel (if you don't have any slot available for a TP and that you have too much gold), Linken, Manta, Butterfly, Satanic Skadi or Rapier, you don't have any slot left for HoT which is, in my opinion, a bad item for this hero.

Dota lesson number two - there is NO hero in dota, xcept Ursa, that have ANY use of vladi as 1st item.

What about heroes such as Meepo/Broodmother? Meepo will probably go for Mekansm before whereas Broodmother will go for Soul Ring but what do you think will be their next item? Do not tell me they farm Vladmir in late game =)

One of my favorites - vanguard on Levi We made jokes about this all game long :D

I actually don't see what the problem of having Vanguard on Levi but I am sure you will enlighten me =)

Once again, stop being arrogant and try to help those who do bad instead of laughing at them and make fun of them on a forum. From what I've seen, you are not any better.

Best regards,

05-12-2010, 11:24 PM
Swain, you should really read my threads properly before posting anything. And now, prepare to die of laughter - venge IS an AWESOME late game hero. Anyway, back to topic.

Lesh is trolling one of my teammates... and then I saw his items (you can see my comment when I actually saw this)

Arcane boots AND soul ring?!? Next item? Maybe 10-35 clarity potions? x)

http://img140.imageshack.us/img140/5884/wc3scrnshot120410175404.jpg (http://img140.imageshack.us/i/wc3scrnshot120410175404.jpg/)

This one is even "harder" then the previous one: sile with arcane boots :D

http://img16.imageshack.us/img16/6479/wc3scrnshot120510032126.jpg (http://img16.imageshack.us/i/wc3scrnshot120510032126.jpg/)

Aaaaand the winner for today.... DK that does not skill fire untill lvl 10 - this is our... dont know what... with this glorious item :D

http://img46.imageshack.us/img46/2664/wc3scrnshot120510195458.jpg (http://img46.imageshack.us/i/wc3scrnshot120510195458.jpg/)

If some1 recognizes himself on these screen shots, do not take it personally. I am not doing this to offend any1, nor is that the purpose of this post. I will try from now on not to post any pics with menu on the right side.

05-12-2010, 11:49 PM
why u have problems with this thread? its entertaining

and im pretty sure he isnt posting them to pwn someone cause his stats are somehow rly bad always

08-12-2010, 05:00 PM
This picture is called "What ever, my intention was not to win this game anyway, all I wanted is to have fun"

Also, be sure to never block mid creeps because you will a) get ganged easier 2) opponent will harass you easier 3) have hard time last hitting creeps & harass because of hill. And that is definition of fun for this silencer (the harder, the funnier).

http://img574.imageshack.us/img574/1933/wc3scrnshot120810001608.jpg (http://img574.imageshack.us/i/wc3scrnshot120810001608.jpg/)

08-12-2010, 06:11 PM
here we go another (has to be sticky) selfpwn tard!!!

we all agree that these are all ingame screenshots since there is no replay menu, right?
so just have a close look at the minimap in the last screen and notice the 4 light blue spots on sentinel (enemy) side.

Mr.Ham welcome at safelow

ps: im so sick of all these mh tards, i got dozen replays with 100% mh but i dont find the time to upload them... so thx to all of u selfpwner!!!

edit: u have to look at the full size image, i downloaded the screen just in case... ;D

08-12-2010, 06:46 PM

this was definitely the biggest fail by far. but actually i could prove u that every third guy is mhing in div...

08-12-2010, 09:48 PM
hmm isnt that fow kinda shared in the last picture

08-12-2010, 10:33 PM
hmm isnt that fow kinda shared in the last picture

isnt that what mh do?

08-12-2010, 11:04 PM
isnt that what mh do?

thats what i meant and i dunno what mh´s do i tought they erased it completly, anyway its not supposed to look that way :)

09-12-2010, 12:51 AM
maybe there are also mh who remove fog at all

but having view of enemy team is definitely mh too

but at least he posted the pic in the right topic :D

09-12-2010, 01:05 AM
why the pic of the hero on the top/left are missing ?

09-12-2010, 01:26 AM
oh i think he was just obs in that game lmao

09-12-2010, 02:48 AM
here we go another (has to be sticky) selfpwn tard!!!

oh i think he was just obs in that game lmao


I support you 100%. And next time, maybe you will be more careful how you choose your words, you self_pwned_tard.

09-12-2010, 08:31 AM
looks like the selfowned accuser get selfowned himself

09-12-2010, 04:49 PM
I played vs huskar just now. He went for treads and some bracers. Cool. Then dagger. Awesome. Then he did armlet. Good choice. After that, he went back to base to get mekasm. Wait... what?! *cry* xD

http://img202.imageshack.us/img202/9315/wc3scrnshot120910152855.jpg (http://img202.imageshack.us/i/wc3scrnshot120910152855.jpg/)

09-12-2010, 06:49 PM
Hmm mekansem isn't bad. Use your ulti and heal self back, heal mates and and and. But yeah mister pro mr. you are just too stupid to know about it. Pls learn to play dota before you flame.

11-12-2010, 05:15 PM

11-12-2010, 06:44 PM
Thanks to everyone for contributing this FAIL thread. It is, in fact, your fail comments with your i_know_it_all attitude that makes this thread so great.

Got a nasty hang over and I am little tired of people calling other people idiots, so I will unleash my wrath on last fail comment.

Here, bitch, click&learn why is meka USELESS on huskar - HERE! (http://www.docstoc.com/docs/13138982/Dota-Strategy-Guide---Sacred-Warrior---Huskar)

Want to learn some more? Then read HERE! (http://dotabestguides.com/?p=45)

And after slapping this bitch - back to topic.

Its awesome how many players think that arcane boots are fantastic item for any_single_hero_there_is_in_dota. And of course, every one of these players will find at least 2-3 good reasons for doing that. Well, I am not the one who will tell you at least 7-8 good reasons for not doing that, especially with great mana boost and/or mana regeneration items that are good for almost any hero (aghanim, hex, soul ring).

http://img46.imageshack.us/img46/108/wc3scrnshot120910202023.jpg (http://img46.imageshack.us/i/wc3scrnshot120910202023.jpg/)
http://img52.imageshack.us/img52/3186/wc3scrnshot121110031538.jpg (http://img52.imageshack.us/i/wc3scrnshot121110031538.jpg/)
http://img6.imageshack.us/img6/9633/wc3scrnshot121110031549.jpg (http://img6.imageshack.us/i/wc3scrnshot121110031549.jpg/)
http://img810.imageshack.us/img810/9642/wc3scrnshot121010012005.jpg (http://img810.imageshack.us/i/wc3scrnshot121010012005.jpg/)
http://img805.imageshack.us/img805/7905/wc3scrnshot121110030941.jpg (http://img805.imageshack.us/i/wc3scrnshot121110030941.jpg/)

11-12-2010, 06:54 PM
Thanks to everyone for contributing this FAIL thread. It is, in fact, your fail comments with your i_know_it_all attitude that makes this thread so great.

Got a nasty hang over and I am little tired of people calling other people idiots, so I will unleash my wrath on last fail comment.

with that u made my day srsly up until now i were a little stressed out but u made me lmao big time thx dude

11-12-2010, 06:59 PM
with that u made my day srsly up until now i were a little stressed out but u made me lmao big time thx dude
cool man. cool. /looks the other way/

12-12-2010, 10:50 AM
first of all i guess everyone wants to try some stuff for himself instead of spend month reading what is the "one and only" itembuild for every hero, and then using this "one and only" build, so there might be some reasoning and "ill give it a try" thinking behind many of this, instead of just a failure u want to see there, playing veno for example every time at levels 6-11 i couldnt use venomous gale if i wanted to have possibility to cast ulti gale combo, so arcane boots can be totally a try here, and they're just a bit faster in ms then treads, or arcane on leo for example, he used soul ring and found out that vs mana burners if they burn his mana to 0 soul ring is not enough to rise, so he thought maybe i could use arcane and soul both just before i die to mana burner maybe that's worth trying

and btw on every screen your stats and lvl seems like failure

12-12-2010, 05:35 PM
arcane boots > soulring vs manaburners? new stuff to me

12-12-2010, 06:08 PM
Jeah, I fail every game and dont know shit about dota - you know it all, mr. no_3x_branch_on_veno_or_1x_wraith_band_so_i_dont_h ave_fucking_mana_for_combo.

On topic.

You gotta admire bottle, midas, stick and vanguard on bone.

http://img411.imageshack.us/img411/8683/wc3scrnshot121210132047.jpg (http://img411.imageshack.us/i/wc3scrnshot121210132047.jpg/)

Definition for brain dead.

http://img718.imageshack.us/img718/3480/wc3scrnshot121210133746.jpg (http://img718.imageshack.us/i/wc3scrnshot121210133746.jpg/)

Robe of the magi on skeleton king as random item.

http://img72.imageshack.us/img72/5442/wc3scrnshot121210155044.jpg (http://img72.imageshack.us/i/wc3scrnshot121210155044.jpg/)

Mass low level items -_-

http://img510.imageshack.us/img510/5189/wc3scrnshot121210155054.jpg (http://img510.imageshack.us/i/wc3scrnshot121210155054.jpg/)

Winner for today: lvl 15 akasha with no slow. He was only 1 (!) click away from avoiding this thread...

http://img413.imageshack.us/img413/7548/wc3scrnshot121210131406.jpg (http://img413.imageshack.us/i/wc3scrnshot121210131406.jpg/)

13-12-2010, 01:04 AM
arcane boots > soulring vs manaburners? new stuff to me

were you drunk reading my post or are you not too bright? how could you understand my words in such twisted way? what i said is soulring is not enough for leo to rise when his mana is burnt to 0, then both together soulring + arcane could be a try vs manaburners

13-12-2010, 01:09 AM


he ended 3-14, but hey, he finished his linken


13-12-2010, 02:32 AM
Every single player from my team told you, in several occasions, that your places for mines sucks. So, I took one screen from that game, just in case. Here you go.

Another common fail - picking techi = the ultimate team player. Always there to help team player in any way, gank, using proper spots for mines: ulti on hills so that we can see runes, choke points for kill and map vision, main lane etc. (dots that you see are serpent wards from veno), helping in all the possible ways (buying chic when asked by carry) and, on top of it all, trolling whole game to keep team entertained.

http://img337.imageshack.us/img337/561/wc3scrnshot121210235241.jpg (http://img337.imageshack.us/i/wc3scrnshot121210235241.jpg/)

Today, I saw smthing very weird. And it happened to me twice :D Hood on weaver!

http://img822.imageshack.us/img822/1997/wc3scrnshot121210182553.jpg (http://img822.imageshack.us/i/wc3scrnshot121210182553.jpg/)
http://img337.imageshack.us/img337/6045/wc3scrnshot121210213833.jpg (http://img337.imageshack.us/i/wc3scrnshot121210213833.jpg/)

Self owned fail = failed to kick our solo mid AA (lowest level on map) because of his "too good stats to be kicked". Score: 5/13/19 (well, trolling no1 in particular but trolling whole team whole game was main reason to kick, not score -_-)

http://img148.imageshack.us/img148/1872/wc3scrnshot121210185039.jpg (http://img148.imageshack.us/i/wc3scrnshot121210185039.jpg/)

13-12-2010, 10:30 PM
Self owned xD hood on weaver? why not? because it isn't the 0815 way? i saw just lich, but when they got more of casters. i would say, never seen a brilliant weaver before, in div league than him. gg mister selfowner.

14-12-2010, 02:21 AM
i am playing in 6 different leagues. Could not get clearance for 7th that i wanted to join (i am too nooby for that) but i played with some great players - hell, i am still proud of my win against th3_byb3night x) (his nick is mentioned in dota loading screen, version before this). so, i picked up a thing or two about dota in the last 7 years. no, i am not so awesome player, but i have a good map awareness, i am team player, got skill to lasthit 90% of 4 creep waves (i will miss one, that last range creep while attacked by 4 range creeps is pretty hard to hit -_-) and yes, i know what are 3-4 core items for every hero. 2-3 slots are always reserved for countering heroes that u r playing against. or gem :D and on weaver, there is no slot for hood or pipe. if u are against nukers, get linken so u can avoid one nuke and escape. hard nukers? get vitality booster, its cheaper than hood and pumps your hp more. u need it for hot anyway later on.

that guy played on bnet, mybe mostly on garena, seen some pro games but i dont think that he is that awesome if he bought hood for weaver. and maybe u didnt see pro weaver in action. dunno. hot is a way to go after linken and dps items.

if u buy hood, then there is a reason for that - you are playing against nukers. if that is the case, why should whole team buy hood? no, you will go for pipe + necro lvl 3 and laugh at levi, es, lich, warlock etc and your team will own. will you do that on weaver? necrobook? pipe? think not.

in pickup leagues where i play, when we start the game and we see aoe hero, one of us say "i will get pipe" and the other says "doing meka" etc. there is a reason for inhouse rules like item restrictions, for example on the bottom of this page http://www.dota-gc.com/rules

of course, i do not know it all. i consider myself average dota player, mostly because of my too much aggressive type of play + i will leave free lane farm with carry just to help the team, which is UTTERLY wrong -_- but i cant help it :D

havent played playall games today and in league games they are all afraid that they will end up in this thread... so no new pics for today :) anyway, take care.

just to explain one thing, if some1 missed the point. necrobook is against aoe heroes like ES because he does damage to himself when he blinks and ulti (he instantly kills blue necro guy, which means -400 to hp).

---------- Post added at 01:15 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:50 AM ----------

Hmm mekansem isn't bad. Use your ulti and heal self back, heal mates and and and. But yeah mister pro mr. you are just too stupid to know about it. Pls learn to play dota before you flame.

Aha, its u mr. meka on huskar :D no wonder you saw an AWESOME weaver player with hood xD ahhaah can u pls stop self own yourself? look at what you did, i typed all this text above :D

---------- Post added at 01:21 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:15 AM ----------

3rd edit in a row:

hahaha i just checked, i got one! :D aghanim on roof xD

http://img31.imageshack.us/img31/8697/wc3scrnshot121310235540.jpg (http://img31.imageshack.us/i/wc3scrnshot121310235540.jpg/)

14-12-2010, 11:57 AM
man, u still continue this thread? after u tried to get linken on venge?


and btw u made a screen moment too early, after i said u shold by a chicken i said u should be our bitch
also u got treads band and finally your linken then, so i guess u finished "your venge core" and u had 600g, so why the hell not buy chick? when on the other hand i had about 3000g and needed mystic and void to finish my hex, totally smart
also that wasnt my best game, but come on why would i listen to some noobs talking about my mine spots after i played over 500 techies games? and still was hard with such team, when i tried to double stun whole enemy team tiny tosses me, and he stuns the stunned kinda waste? and u as a venge ultimate feeder, and u mentioned u have map awareness? u were total moron feeder going on the mid cliff etc when all missing, running like idiot after bs when ultied to give him a speed boost so tiny wouldnt catch him, and many many more, and still i got most kills in team and u were just the HaaaM ULTIMATE FEEDER playing VENGE with LINKEN ... ohh sorry my bad, u weren't playing venge with linken, u just got linken at the very end of 1h game, u were playing venge with treads, band, preservance and ultimate orb

14-12-2010, 12:30 PM
U troll in game whole team, u troll my thread. Fail is placing mines in mid game between roshan and our secret shop, not venge with linken (your only mines on map). gtfo of this thread, brain dead techie picker.

14-12-2010, 04:31 PM
ahhh sorry i forgot u play in 6 ... almost 7 leagues, u know better what's fail and what's not

and yeah totally my only mines and i got all my kills by lasthit stealing from you

14-12-2010, 07:44 PM
I will use this thread to promote myself a little bit, as musician :)

70 minutes, 25 songs, some sound effects, 4 decks. I am not Beat DJ (that only connects end of song with start of a new song - most of the DJs are Beat Djs), I am Mix DJ which means you can always hear 2-4 (mostly 3) songs blended together at any point of time in this 70 minute set. Have fun and dance while you listen to it. I hope you will NJoy it.


14-12-2010, 09:02 PM
paidia den yparxoun fail items se hero...iremiste..
analoga to game kai ta items twn antipalwn krineis kai bgazeis kai esy akoma kai an fainontai akyra...den exei shmasia arkei na kerdithei to game...

15-12-2010, 01:43 PM
"I will just take the shortcut to the secret shop and... ah..."

http://img651.imageshack.us/img651/7182/wc3scrnshot121510004604.jpg (http://img651.imageshack.us/i/wc3scrnshot121510004604.jpg/)

"Hehe I will so own now with divine this void"

http://img43.imageshack.us/img43/6972/wc3scrnshot121510015956.jpg (http://img43.imageshack.us/i/wc3scrnshot121510015956.jpg/)


http://img573.imageshack.us/img573/6841/wc3scrnshot121510020010.jpg (http://img573.imageshack.us/i/wc3scrnshot121510020010.jpg/)

21-12-2010, 05:50 PM
Want cheap agi item on morph? Buy vitality booster and swap str to agi. Otherwise, you could fail and do smthing like this.

http://img703.imageshack.us/img703/6637/wc3scrnshot121510135403.jpg (http://img703.imageshack.us/i/wc3scrnshot121510135403.jpg/)

2x orb

http://img8.imageshack.us/img8/4022/wc3scrnshot121710012023.jpg (http://img8.imageshack.us/i/wc3scrnshot121710012023.jpg/)

I saw mom on mort today.

http://img808.imageshack.us/img808/4396/wc3scrnshot122110145153.jpg (http://img808.imageshack.us/i/wc3scrnshot122110145153.jpg/)

I do not like techie pickers, they ruin the game quite often. This is just an example on how hard u can fail with techie.

http://img832.imageshack.us/img832/2812/wc3scrnshot121910102629.jpg (http://img832.imageshack.us/i/wc3scrnshot121910102629.jpg/)