View Full Version : Team Vouch - rQ

08-12-2010, 01:49 PM
rQ - rageQuit.DotA


http://www.gosugamers.net/bilder/flags_long/Sweden.gif coCOdrile
http://www.gosugamers.net/bilder/flags_long/Sweden.gif Kamne
http://www.gosugamers.net/bilder/flags_long/Germany.gif ZacK
http://www.gosugamers.net/bilder/flags_long/Austria.gif CeeD
http://www.gosugamers.net/bilder/flags_long/England.gif harryxd


The clan began about 5 months ago with coCO, Kamne and ZacK leaving a previous team to begin their own with 3 new players. The original 3 are no longer in the team which is why me (harryxd) and CeeD were brought into the team. We have been playing together as 5 for 3 months and have no plans to stop. We are still looking for a 6th player but we are very stable at the moment and are taking our time with the last choice of player. We are signed up for the upcoming Pick-League season but have only been able to get a Division 5 spot because we are new although we are trying our bes to get a better spot. We aim to compete in the popular online cups like AnubiA, Excello etc in their next appearances. At the moment we are just training in #dotacw.euro searching HS and hope to try some more known enemies soon. So now that we feel stable we are now beginning to move up and aim higher which is why we are applying here.
We have also just got a team vouch at DotA.Pride.2 but there isn't a lot going on there.



Currently Pick-League Division 5, but most likely to change.

No GosuGamer rank yet.

We all are aware of the rules and agree.

I'd like to add that we are really serious and hope to get far together. This being just the start, we would be a good asset to the league.


coCOdrile - Leader

rQ.harryxd - 5475686
rQ.drile - 55765363
rQ.CeeD - 53870411
rQ.zAkZaK - 53928213
rQ.STARLIGHT - 55763746

Thanks for reading guys and I hope you see that we are really eager to play here!

08-12-2010, 03:14 PM
NE.dota Supports!

08-12-2010, 03:19 PM

09-12-2010, 01:41 AM