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View Full Version : Patch 1.0.20

11-12-2010, 10:25 AM
Patch 1.0.20, in addition to adding more axes to HoN, introduces some significant changes to Forests of Caldavar and how assisting in kills is rewarded.

Assist Gold:

* Half of the total bounty awarded for the hero kill is divided evenly amongst all assisters on the kill
(Example: If two players assist on a kill worth 400 gold, then 200 gold is split evenly between the two assisters - they each get 100.)

* The player who gets the kill receives the same amount of gold.
(That means that the gold assisters get is bonus. None is taken away from the killer.)

* You still receive gold for simply being in the proximity of an enemy hero kill

This change to assist rewards will vastly increase the amount of gold that is injected into the game when a kill takes place. We feel that attaching more gold rewards to kills is extremely necessary because prior to 1.0.20, when a kill takes place past level 8, more gold is taken out of the game via gold loss on death than is put in through kill bounty. Player interactions and exciting fight scenes should result in a game's progression - not regression. Additionally, this will place less emphasis on who lands the last hit when several players are collaborating to take down an enemy, as it rewards assister(s) with a hefty cut of the bounty as a bonus. Support players will also be able to translate their assists into gold and items, as enabling your teammates to rack up the kills becomes personally rewarding.

Forests of Caldavar Changes:

* The bases are now the same size, centered, and all the barracks are equidistant from the main building/fountain.
Before, the Hellbourne base was much much larger than the Legion base and they were both lopsided and not aligned with the lanes correctly. Pushing a particular lane could give you an advantage based on the number of arbitrarily placed filler buildings between the barracks and the main. Now, everything is even, centered, and it is equally effective to push any lane.
* The ramps leading into the base are wider and the space outside of the bases are much larger/more open.
Before, the ramps were quite small and the area outside of the bases were constricted or had very narrow paths. This discouraged pushing, as it placed the aggressor in a massively disadvantageous position, and drew out games unnecessarily. Now, the lanes and approaches to the bases on all sides are wider and more open. This makes team-fighting and pushing much more appealing since there are no more "death-trap" corner spots that can ruin an otherwise good push.
* Added some trees above in the Hellbourne side of middle lane (up-left of the middle outermost Hellbourne tower)
We noticed a discrepancy in the difficulties of ganking a hero on the Legion side of mid lane versus ganking one on the Hellbourne side of mid lane. You can approach a Legion hero in the middle lane from behind on the right side and remain hidden by fog until you're practically on top of him due to the trees next to the tower. It was impossible to do the same from behind on the left side of the Hellbourne's middle lane because the treeline did not extend out far enough to cover a hero as he enters the middle lane from the Hellbourne jungle. By extending the treeline a bit, we've provided more symmetry to middle lane, allowing Legion gankers to get a few hundred units closer to their victims before they are revealed.