View Full Version : Joker

15-12-2010, 09:52 PM
Hi guys,
plz punish the player Joker. he was afk during the game and then left it.


thx and greetz

15-12-2010, 10:13 PM
How can u play when necro get owned by potm and he is feeding like no problem ??!? In min 7 he had - 0 6 .
And we all ff'ed instead of NECRO (wc3), he didn't listen to the captain, i said go ff , no , he still played and feeding.

Down lane lost, and mid lane too, i don't for uplane where was necro.
I recognize , i flame, but not about family or something just "tard" and "noob"

GG nice judging.

15-12-2010, 10:36 PM
Played a lot of games with Joker,mannerd guy and good player.

16-12-2010, 02:11 PM
And also

[Timeban] [DR.Community] :: From 21:00 on 15/12/2010 To 21:00 on 25/12/2010 [Admin] :: ragnesis [Reason] :: flaming&afk [192019]
[Timeban] [DR.Inhouse] :: From 21:01 on 15/12/2010 To 21:01 on 25/12/2010 [Admin] :: ragnesis [Reason] :: flaming&afk [192019]

You direct banned me and you didn't watch at least the CHAT of the game.
Should players listen to the captain right ? that are rules, so when the game was lost and i said go all FF and don't waste no more time, what's that ?

15:57 Joker Shadow Fiend Allies imba tard?
16:13 Joker Shadow Fiend All You may not forfeit a game before 20min.
16:13 Joker Shadow Fiend Allies !ff
16:32 Joker Shadow Fiend Allies HOW CAN U LOOSE
16:34 Joker Shadow Fiend Allies VS POTM ?
16:42 WC3 Necrolyte Allies he good
16:45 WC3 Necrolyte Allies and i bad
16:46 Joker Shadow Fiend Allies and u noob
17:34 Joker Shadow Fiend Allies stay afk.
17:36 Joker Shadow Fiend Allies till min 15
21:20 chrizzernator Lich Allies !ff
21:20 Joker Shadow Fiend All [chrizzernator] has just FF'd the game.
21:20 Joker Shadow Fiend All 1/5 from the Sentinel have FF'd the game.
21:25 Joker Shadow Fiend All [Joker] has just FF'd the game.
21:25 Joker Shadow Fiend All 2/5 from the Sentinel have FF'd the game.
21:25 Joker Shadow Fiend Allies !ff
21:25 Joker Shadow Fiend All [rip_n0th1n9] has just FF'd the game.
21:25 Joker Shadow Fiend All 3/5 from the Sentinel have FF'd the game.
21:25 rip_n0th1n9 Alchemist Allies !ff
21:27 Joker Shadow Fiend All [Pentacz] has just FF'd the game.
21:27 Joker Shadow Fiend All 4/5 from the Sentinel have FF'd the game.
21:27 Pentacz Vengeful Spirit Allies !ff
22:31 Joker Shadow Fiend Allies necro
22:33 Joker Shadow Fiend Allies do !ff
22:44 WC3 Necrolyte All u ulted creep or ?
22:58 Joker Shadow Fiend Allies DO !ff
22:58 WC3 Necrolyte All i thoght i am dead...
23:04 rip_n0th1n9 Alchemist All NECROLYTE GO FF
23:05 rip_n0th1n9 Alchemist All FFS
23:10 Joker Shadow Fiend Allies NECRO GO FF
23:12 RWP.Blessed Tidehunter All Man, go ff
23:18 RWP.Blessed Tidehunter All u really need feed us more?
23:24 Joker Shadow Fiend All ok
23:24 Joker Shadow Fiend All bye
23:25 Joker Shadow Fiend All Joker has left the game voluntarily.

And thoose are hard flames ???
I stayed afk for 4-5-6 mins till we could !ff
You believe what everything flies ?

Please change your decision and click on the spoiler to watch the chat.

16-12-2010, 06:06 PM
The ban is 100% justified.
In fact, I'd have banned you for a longer timespan, since you
- #1 disrespected WC3's decision, because he wanted to keep playing,
- #2 stayed afk, ruining the game for 4 other players,
- #3 left the game in succession, which made it even worse.

If you have a problem with people playing weaker than you do, do not play in the DR Community (including IH). More crap like that and you will have to face an IH unvouch as well.


16-12-2010, 06:19 PM
Hey there.

At first, please take a look at this:

DotARank is a manners based community ( not a skill based league!). That means there will be less skilled players in some of your games. We aim for a friendly atmosphere and relaxing games. And again - THIS IS NOT A LEAGUE. If you are looking for a high skilled league where you can treat others as you see fit - this is NOT the place! If you are not ready to treat others with respect, to not harass them for their mistakes and skills - THIS IS NOT THE PLACE FOR YOU.

Now, you were harassing WC3 since he lost the line. Surely, he got outplayed pretty hard, yet, as havo said, if you'r unable to play with lower skilled players, you shouldn't play @ comm. Also, you show 0 respect towards other players, going afk when YOU decide that it's over, also the flaming&blaming, even if minor, still matters. You don't have to flame about family or something to hurt others.

Also, for you;r knowledge, I watched replay AND looked at chatlogs.

16-12-2010, 07:25 PM
At least can i get unbanned from IH ? :( and stay banned on Dr Com ?

Come on , do a good thing for Christmas :)


16-12-2010, 08:01 PM
Joker is good player maybe something go wrong for him and he go afk really !! anyway...

16-12-2010, 08:07 PM
Thanks for your support, but when the captain manage the team to victory he know when we lost or no .
Or when we have a chance or no, he do the picks, so when the score was 28 at 6 or 8. what chance do u have to win ? :(

16-12-2010, 08:08 PM
ragna how can u be sure that WC3 isnt the game ruiner?if its based on manners and not on skills,who said WC3 didnt want to ruin the game?mb he played bad on purpose?this is bad play even for WC3 imo.
I'd say timeban him from dr.community,leave hom Inhouse atleast.

16-12-2010, 10:08 PM
And what kindof punishment would that be, if you were able to play on IH? The learning effect would be sortof low.

I lost games that were 24-3 at one point, but this is out of the question. The main problem here is that you disrespected WC3's opinion. The !votermk command is desigend like it is for a reason.

Syrix, your argument is nonsense and you know it.

No unban in either of the channels.

16-12-2010, 10:49 PM
Although the decision to ban joker is good, WC3 should also get warned/timebanned. He clearly spoilt the game for 4 other persons in his team.

17-12-2010, 11:39 AM

I wish you all Merry Christmas, all your dreams to come true, and be good with each other & stay close to your family.

Boo-bye !

17-12-2010, 05:48 PM
See you in a week.
Merry Christmas :)
