View Full Version : Ok, this one pissed me OFF.

24-12-2010, 12:51 AM
Playing a DIV vs 3 mates slotlocking. pedja85 and two "whatever-mraj"

This game was so long and SO HARD to win. We saw a lot of suspicious movements, ganks in forest, blinks to fog where a player is ETC...
However, the one thing that PISSED US OFF is that when we attempted to counterpush top, they showed themselves by attempting to kill a clinkz that was going invis, with a storm by ultying near him.

PLEASE, way to ruin such a (fair?) game BAN THIS THREE GAYS or at least reset the exp to -100000 or something like that, I just CBA playing with douches anymore!!!!

Prove of MH:

- Min 10 of game (replay 10:12): Tiny goes top to gank. Pings EXACTLY the position of invo, who was hiding in fog near secret shop.
- 1 hour and 10 mins game (replay 1:10:00): Clinkz pushes top lane, kills storm. Storm rebuys and follows clinkz with ulti even though clinkz is invis. No gem, no dust.

Players: pedja85, mali-mrav, Dusan-mrav. I include trax in this because they are all teamed, so probably on skype/ts/vent talking about how good they are with MH.


25-12-2010, 05:10 PM
Can someone help me confirming?

26-12-2010, 02:44 AM
u used mh lately, u should know best right?

08-01-2011, 12:15 AM
i see like 2mhers in that game, and x.fires seems like useing mh too ..

11-01-2011, 06:17 PM
02:05 Storm(pedja85) clicks fogged ChaoesKnight