View Full Version : RikiWithLothar_mher

07-01-2011, 01:25 PM
~29.55: crix stun me when i was invisible(invoker)
~36.00: ran for pudge, but he could not see him
55.50: again, i was invisible, but crix all the time stunned me, and correctly use the dagger

07-01-2011, 06:33 PM
To first: he had like 10 sec the slow buff on him, no wonder he tried to stun. Dont think he used mh in this situation.

To second: Nothing. They just gathered. He didnt follow nor run to invis pudge.

To third: Look hard like mh. If i hadnt seen the other seen id call mh.
He follows invis voker, and with like 10-20 sec not anymore having invokers slow buff he casts ult, daggers next to invoker and stuns him.

All in all: Nothing obvious at first, but the last scene, when sent seemed to loose sk seemed too know your path too good.

If i was the judge i would say mh.

11-01-2011, 06:19 PM
needs bump

11-01-2011, 07:33 PM
I did not watch this replay but that dude already got reseted for MH in the past