View Full Version : Ban request GGMAN and [DvD]_david_

15-01-2011, 12:13 PM
Game: 15/1/2011

The story: One guy dropped in the very beginning before start, one of mentioned guys didnt want to votermk. They were supposed to play on trilane, cuz there were another solo carries. So theese suckers went solo, they fucked it up and then wanted votermk. When the scourge didnt want to, they left. I ask you to ban theese tarded gameruiners.

Thank you.

I want to add, that this is my second ban request. I am not one those people who write 10 ban requests a day as you can see. But I am very angry with theese idiots. Why should normal people loose points only because of theese gameruiners? Go ban them.

I must admit that i flamed them and the scourge too, because the game was really unfair and i would ban whole scourge too, because its a shame to play games like this one HERE ON RGC!! I wonder what Roggers would say. I think that he wouldnt be happy to see this. I am curious what your response will be.

I enclose replay.



16-01-2011, 05:20 AM
dvd]_david_ is now timebanned from this channel until 04:18 on 19/01/2011
ggman is now timebanned from this channel until 04:17 on 19/01/2011

16-01-2011, 01:39 PM