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View Full Version : Problems with low & high games

03-02-2011, 06:10 PM
Hi, I'm trying to connect to safelow games but it keeps telling me "out of exp range".

I have 200 exp and i can't connect to safelow games, only to safehigh and playall. I can't play because all players are higher than me in range and it keeps kicking me out of game.

Also, before the BOT was down, i had 300 exp, and after it came back, i only had 96 exp.

Please check my account : Bisti.

03-02-2011, 07:55 PM
oh no 300 xp the world is over !!!!

.... thats just 1 game and u have it back o.O

04-02-2011, 02:29 PM
Yesterday had too much xp for safelow with ~500 and had to join safehigh(!)
Today cant even join safelow with new account <100 exp. What's goin on here?

@ o.O]Mentiroso

.... thats just 1 game and u have it back o.O
...which is pretty hard if u cannot join games. My, aren't you a clever one.

05-02-2011, 03:24 PM
I also made a post about it, I couldnt even join safelow games with a 17 exp account.

Let's face it: Div is better then pub, but it has some major flaws. One of them being what you said: If you're a bit low on exp (doesnt matter safelow, safehigh or playall) you get kicked 2 out of 3 times you join a game. Very frustrating.
Another is the way exp is given. It is simply rediculous. Div (hans2) totally negates the fact that dota is a TEAMGAME. Instead, the more kills and towers you get, the more exp. Which means you can play an excellent supporting game with cm for instance, your team totally owns, but some random balanar get's all the kills and thus the exp.
And now these crazy limits :s

05-02-2011, 04:12 PM
I also made a post about it, I couldnt even join safelow games with a 17 exp account.

Let's face it: Div is better then pub, but it has some major flaws. One of them being what you said: If you're a bit low on exp (doesnt matter safelow, safehigh or playall) you get kicked 2 out of 3 times you join a game. Very frustrating.
Another is the way exp is given. It is simply rediculous. Div (hans2) totally negates the fact that dota is a TEAMGAME. Instead, the more kills and towers you get, the more exp. Which means you can play an excellent supporting game with cm for instance, your team totally owns, but some random balanar get's all the kills and thus the exp.
And now these crazy limits :s

im totally with that supporters dont get enough exp, and the reasoning, taht supporters got a better winchance thus its equal is kinda flawed as a higher winchance leads to more noob allies, so the nature of the balance system forcing u to 50% winchance fucks that up.

but even with support if u dont feed u still get ur ~100exp and i recommend in safelow to not pick supporter at all the games are simply too shitty. U can easily own with smth like gondar or naix and get ur 200-300exp a game and u will have ~2k exp in no time. Even if u loose with such a hero, u get the mvps ownage bonus and what not and still loose only around 50 exp.

05-02-2011, 04:26 PM
pretty good u can regain ur exp easy now

05-02-2011, 05:24 PM
im totally with that supporters dont get enough exp, and the reasoning, taht supporters got a better winchance thus its equal is kinda flawed as a higher winchance leads to more noob allies, so the nature of the balance system forcing u to 50% winchance fucks that up.

but even with support if u dont feed u still get ur ~100exp and i recommend in safelow to not pick supporter at all the games are simply too shitty. U can easily own with smth like gondar or naix and get ur 200-300exp a game and u will have ~2k exp in no time. Even if u loose with such a hero, u get the mvps ownage bonus and what not and still loose only around 50 exp.

I do indeed always pick some carrylike hero, gondar, naix, furi, destroyer, void, etc. And usually I end up with 10-2 or something. I just feel sorry for someone who in the same game played tide for instance, helped me killing most of my targets, and then gets 100 exp less then me. Is just not right. You win as a team (sure, some people in the team helped winning more then others, but you can't measure that with kills), not on your own.

05-02-2011, 08:14 PM
I do indeed always pick some carrylike hero, gondar, naix, furi, destroyer, void, etc. And usually I end up with 10-2 or something. I just feel sorry for someone who in the same game played tide for instance, helped me killing most of my targets, and then gets 100 exp less then me. Is just not right. You win as a team (sure, some people in the team helped winning more then others, but you can't measure that with kills), not on your own.

mvp and ownage bonus rly fucked the exp balance up big time because mvps always end up as autovote, there should be some kind of avard for mass assists as well and the players should be encouraged (forced >.>) to actually vote their mvp, its a nearly impossible task to measure a good supporter with a bot (healing wards saving some1 letting the creeps and kills for the carry) but if u give a huge bonus for everything all people will end up with 300 exp per game in the end so in the end u can just as well fuck the extra bonus crap. the best would probably be to get rid of the ownage and feeder bonus, because if u got + or -10 kill/death ratio u get the exp for these kills/deaths already. before the ownage/feeder a carry got maybe 150 and a support 100 if it was a good support maybe more, that difference can be made fair by mvp.
But hans loves playing solo carry so he will stick with it i guess >.>

the idea was i guess to make a difference between the good players and the bad ones. wo the bonus the bad players get the same amount of exp as the ones winning the game(of a team). Its a good idea but u need a quite complicated system so that the bot actually can decide what a good player is (reducing kill exp by assists, giving a bonus for wards, somehow measure what a assist rly was worth(if it only was 1 hit or a stun +10 hits) etcetc...) So either work on a pretty big projekt that can measure all that or sticking to the "only the win counts" system. The way it is now sucks tough

06-02-2011, 12:33 PM
STILL ... my problem is the same !

Does anyone care about us ?

07-02-2011, 08:57 PM
I had the same problem but i stoped playing Div league games :P !!!

08-02-2011, 12:19 PM
I guess the problem lies with the announcement of the games. Because of that they dont fill parallel and let also people play at borderline exp. Currently due to beeing shown which game to join everyone tries to get into the next game with the result that many players can ever join a game.