View Full Version : [Ban Request] n1ce0ne

09-02-2011, 06:28 PM
Reporting: n1ce0ne
Reason/Information: He said he wants mirana or he'll fuck up the game.
POTM wasn't even in the pool, he took LION and went mid with necro and flaming.
He ruined the game.
Replay: http://www.adotaparser.com/dota-replay/45216

09-02-2011, 07:45 PM
copy paste me where i say that i will ruin the game?
And in pub games who do you tihnk you are TO tell me which lane and what hero to play!?
YOu didnt pick me Mirana FINE .... but to tell me where to play and what to buy go play CLANWARS idiot....if you ban me now cuz some radnom dude ask me to play competiive dota with him ....GL with your RGC

10-02-2011, 04:26 AM
ahmad93 is now timebanned from this channel until 18:22 on 10/02/2011 (1 day 1 game and 1 warn).

n1ce0ne is now timebanned from this channel until 18:26 on 11/02/2011 (2 days 1 warn).

Tkx for report.

Regards. Whiskey-

10-02-2011, 11:15 AM
You ban me 2 days cuz i didnt want to play lion support on triple lane IN PUBLIC ROOM ?! The guy who wrote the post leave the game ( he could go on tripple lane too instead of leaving and reporting me!!!) U didnt even watch the replay i guess...GG Admin ! I wont play in this platform anymore 10x

10-02-2011, 12:41 PM
Take care.

10-02-2011, 11:52 PM