View Full Version : Banned by a smart channel moderator

07-03-2011, 03:36 AM
Well, I don't know if this is the right place, but here we go.

I got banned on Brazil channel on RGC, because really, people here need some brains..really.
I was watching an old replay with some friends and changed Wacraft version to 1.24b. After it, we went to RGC and I forgot to change the version back ( I didn't open Wc3 through RGC so it didn't say it was the wrong version). So after seeing no one was banning any heroes I realized the problem and there isn't anything to do besides quitting and changing the version back. Someone post a ban request, I told the problem at the page but 5mins later I got banned. I don't mind getting banned, I can play elsewhere. I just want to see something done to the moderator who saw the ban requets and did a lazy job without analyzing properly or anything.

07-03-2011, 11:22 AM
Well, i saw your baninfo:
[Timeban] [Brasil] :: From 02:21 on 07/03/2011 To 02:21 on 22/03/2011 [Admin] :: chronocross [Reason] :: leaver (kodo2) -> http://dota-area.com.br/index.php?pagina=ver_report&id=8475
and i saw also, that you didnt leave games before, and that your win rate is enough good :) I am sry mate because you are getting banned, next time you have to be more carefull and to dont put this wrong patch version that ,,drop '' from game. I can understand you, but you have to understand us, because , with dc, leave , rage plug, or wrong patch version , ppl ruin game of other ppl :| Anyway, this is not righ place to talk about your timeban , becuase this is RGC forum and brasil channel have his own site, click here (http://www.dota-area.com.br/). I will try to talk with br staff, and to suggest them to unban you or just to reduce timeban. So, for now stay patient and contact us on client, or make unban request on this site , where i sended you before. GL.

07-03-2011, 07:36 PM
Thx and btw, it doesn't drop from the game. Try seeing a 1.24e replay with 1.24b patch on your pc, things just don't happen like they should... just like the old sync problem and I mean, what I should do there? wait 10minutes and after picks they say "oh 1 afk, rmk and ban him". In the end I had no choice, that's why I say it's not fair to get banned, and why my friends got banned (and didnt get time reduced :P) for quitting with me when the game was already over, it was just less points so brazilians wouldnt get into game and "oh, too many points, I won't play" and instead of 1min to play a game we would wait 10min+ (thats why playing with kodo2 instead of kodo there). If getting me or friends unbanned is not an option, tell me what was a reasonable option at the game and I wont try to argue anymore.

And btw, theres nothing like a "unban request", but there is a "pay 2$ to reduce 1ban day", so I can't do anything there (and can't expect to get unbanned when they can argument that I quitted while they can get money with it :P Welcome to brazils way of life).

07-03-2011, 08:21 PM
Well X_T_C we appreciate what you are doing for our team and in behalf of kodo and our other teammates , i thank you in the first place.
I consider unfair what was done to us but it admit it was a mistake not saying for the other players the reason of our leaving. But it is true that according to the Brazilian Room`s rules we did not deserve that 15d ban because it is stated that if the player communicates to his team members that he is going to quit and if they accept it, the player can leave without regrets. Since we were on a call in skype decided that we could not play without kodo and went for a another game. We left the game because if our points grew bigger than 1550, most of the player from the other team simply would go find another game with a team with lower points, so that is the main reason we left and when we tried to explain that to the moderators and the other team`s players they ignored us and banned the whole team.
Thanks again for your understanding X_T_C and for the effort you are putting in having us play in Brazil room sooner that we expect =x.

07-03-2011, 09:28 PM
Np , you are welcome guys :)