View Full Version : Command Overview For New Admins

25-03-2011, 03:47 AM
Here is the list of the game commands for new admins. Make sure you are familiar with the league rules (http://www.mymgn.com/board/showthread.php?69584-League-Rules) before you use these commands.

Lobby Commands

!from to see the origin of the players in the lobby
!ping to see the pings of the players in the lobby
!open <slot number> to open a specific slot in the lobby
!close <slot number> to close a specific slot in the lobby
!hold <name> to take a user to the hold list
!stats to see your current stats
!statsdota to see a detailed list of your personal stats

Ingame Commands

!mute <name> to mute a player in the game
!muteall to mute the global chat
!votekick <name> to start a votekick against a player
!kick <name> to kick a player from the game
!banlast <ban reason> to ban the last leaver
!ban <name> <ban reason> to ban a player for a specific reason
!end to end the game (takes 20 seconds)