View Full Version : !voteban command in game

15-04-2011, 11:28 AM

Today I was thinking about creating a !voteban system as the title says, and if there are 9/10 players that voteban a leaver, that report would go to some admin, which will ban that leaver which has been reported.
Also I'd like to say that I'm completely aware of the ban request section - but after filling a few reports you get tired of doing it,and just don't do it anymore, at least that's how I feel.

Discuss - feedback

15-04-2011, 01:27 PM
[13:34] RG^Sir-Rogers: iamcrazy you can already report them on forums
[13:34] RG^Sir-Rogers: there'll be a better system on the website
[13:35] RG^Sir-Rogers: i'll work on a more automated system
[13:35] RG^Sir-Rogers: for separation

i think it's gd answer

15-04-2011, 04:40 PM
there is similar system on playdota.eu, and it is not as useful as one might think. It screams ABUSE.

I think this way is good enough.

15-04-2011, 09:08 PM
!deny for request.

player can use this only if they are mad or flaming...