View Full Version : HI HI HI!

19-04-2011, 11:47 PM
Hello people, or shall I say gamers?anyway, hi, i'm 1sk
Garena Nick : trolly056
RGC Nick: trolly056
you people can call me 1sk = 1ShotKill or OSK OneShotKill, but just the letters, never the words =x, it seems more like PRO rsrs, hi again, i'm pretty proud to be a gamer =x, nerd(rsrs) and I'm from brazil, i guess it's just that what I want to say =x, well see you soon, I guess, and just more 1 thing, how pronunciate LOL?(sorry for my bad english)
If you're looking at my post right now, left a message saying hi plz, it will make me pretty happy, wait just a question, some people said to me that happy in english means "gay", is that true? if it's isn't what I was meaning ok, see you soon, again =x
more you thing what is dumbass?or dumbo, i already saw that but doesn't found out what that means, thaks
Just more a few things to you know me better
1- I talk alot
2- I'm funny
3- I'm a retard
4- I love be a gamer and I'm proud of it
5- I'm kinda atheist(i search on google and it got godless and atheist, i was wondering that godless isn't so good, seems to be racist to me so I choosed atheist, it's pretty complicated to remember but i'ts all right)
6- I guess it wasn't needed to say that I talk alot, because I think you're thinking, Jesus Christ, these guy talks SO MUCH!GOD, let's go to the next threat =x
7- It's JUST that
8- What a lie, I can say pretty more but It's already getting bored, and I guess someone will..nevermind bye bye,Warcraft3 - Dota - Owns!Pwns!
R.I.P Qwerty