View Full Version : Blocking / Squelching Unwanted.

22-04-2011, 06:33 PM
It came to my attention that RGC doesn't have a squelch / block option when it comes to shutting out spammers, especially people who spam blanks.

RGC would be a lot better if there's a temporary / permanent option to squelch unwanted users.
If there already is a similiar option, please do enlighten me. So far, the only thing I can do is scroll and /clear my screen every time.

Thanks in advance.

22-04-2011, 06:45 PM
I dont agree with this you can simple ignore them , if they hl you there is option to ignoire hl's , in game you can use squelch command ...

23-04-2011, 05:22 AM
Actually my mate had this problem during picking phase and first few mins of the game a player on the opposite team continuously harrassed him by spamming hl. I think there is an option in settings to mute all hls and I believe if u type /afk in chat, all hls will be muted also.

Law S
23-04-2011, 12:16 PM
Yeah, there is already an option which allows you to block all the hls, but you must to change your status whenever you don't want to be highlighted and change once again when you want to be hled for a friend.

If we had a way to block some people forever and ever, that would be better.


23-04-2011, 10:20 PM
As you can see the friends list and the process of adding friends is totaly underdeveloped. But that is going to change in the future, there are numerous suggestions for this, and alot of ways to do it, unfortunately, none of those are simple enough.

Rogers is mega busy in his private life for now, so he has o focus on other, at this time more important things for now, but i can asure you, the fully customizable "My Friends" section will be added soon enough, just stay patient, and for now avoid those spammers as much as you can.
