View Full Version : no /from?

22-05-2007, 05:42 PM
I dont see anything about IP country of origin, what gives?

22-05-2007, 05:59 PM
Please tell me any reason why you want to see country or ip? Isn't ping detection enough? To prevent more question i will say that we are working to implement ingame commands like -pingall, -rankall e.t.c

22-05-2007, 06:05 PM
You missed my point entirely. No, ping isnt enough because banlist can report country of origin. Its not that the information is vital, but its there, and for hosts that have used banlist, its required.

IF your aim was to make this popular, you should probably market it with all the features that people are used to form your competitors. I see this without phrases and origin detection and I see an inferior product.

22-05-2007, 06:09 PM
Search the forum please before you post. We answered that we will not implement -fromall just because to prevent racism. Why do you need fromall if you can just see their connection? Dotarank can ping through firewall so you will see all players' pings.

22-05-2007, 06:12 PM
I see this without phrases and origin detection and I see an inferior product.

22-05-2007, 06:26 PM
I see what the problem is. Based on your linguistical skills, you clearly are not from the US.

And as a result, hosts kicking you from USeast games gets your pantys in a bunch.

22-05-2007, 06:30 PM
Right - i am not from US. I play on Northrend. And this program was not developed for US users only - it was developed for everyone. So if a player has good ping and is not a leaver i dont see any reason why he should be kicked even he is from the moon. And i can suggest you to go to polls section and create poll about country detection by dotarank. If users support you, well, i think we will do it then.

22-05-2007, 07:05 PM
Like, people from the eastern block of europe have computers that are 10 years behind ours. It's often not their conection that messes up, it's their computer.

22-05-2007, 10:00 PM
also there are hosts that like to host games for a specific country
for example only -rus or -nordic or -gerhost

so with a /fromall the host could make sure all speak the same language
doesnt have to be english

i alrdy voted in the poll, pls do the same

23-05-2007, 03:04 PM
The problem with banlist is that it can't ping through firewalls. So i use DotARank to check ping, an banlist to check countries, and to check what games my friends join. No problems at all.
And also, ARank is a good way to check how many games people played/left.
And don't forget that ARank is kinda new atm. I'm sure about that there's gonna be some useful commands in the future.

btw...i don't care about where people come from, if they have a good ping, then it's fine by me.

24-05-2007, 02:53 PM
I think that fromall isn't anything bad. Poeple want to know what is the nationality of the team and asking everyone about it may be at least annoing and disturbing. Futhermore, even if there is rasicm, i dont care - i can still join any other game. Somebody said about -nordichost or -pol only etc. I see nothing against it, even i think it's helpfull.

25-05-2007, 11:00 PM
it comes handy when playing northrend allstars games and russian joins server. they have good ping but they lose packets a lot so they lag and get waiting for host

plz enable it

Sir Rogers
26-05-2007, 03:10 AM
it comes handy when playing northrend allstars games and russian joins server. they have good ping but they lose packets a lot so they lag and get waiting for host

plz enable it

This is what I mean by racism. Although it's a bit more subtle, it's still anti-russian. This isn't true at all, it is just a rumour.
I have played a lot of games with russians and didn't have problems, you only get problems when their computers aren't up to date or their internet connection isn't.

This won't be a problem for .Arank users, so there's no need to include it because you want to separate europeans from russians.
We just can't support such a message, it's against all ethnical and moral standards.

26-05-2007, 01:35 PM
Yeah, 'cause when we play dota we won't play with russian 'cause we hate the country and we hate the people living in it. It's not that we hate that 9/10 games played with them there's always someone who don't know english or lags like hell, it's just that we enjoy beeing a so called racist. Oh and remember guys, if you kick someone from a game, you're racist! And if you kill a hero, you're racist! Seems everyone's racist since most people either kick or kill hero's ingame, so i'd say it's free to implement /fromall and stop using such a lame argument as it beeing racist to play with people from countries you want to play with.

Oh and btw, if there's a game with a russian (or any other country for that matter. Just took Russia since i'm one of those who just hate playing with russians since there's more or less always a problem, Not 'cause i hate the people living in the country) in it who doesn't know how to speak english and he lags, don't you think people would become even MORE "racist" then? Telling him stuff and all that, since he doesn't know how to speak english or lags.


That russian sure won't feel people's racist, he just thinks they're his best friends 'cause they didn't kick him!

I guess you'll quote a small bit of what i wrote and say "omg you racist, you banned from forum omg!"

05-06-2007, 10:55 AM
Although /fromall does have the potential of being abused by racists, it also does have a legitimate use. As a West Coast Lordaeron host, I always allow anyone who is US, MX, or CA. Other countries just seem to cause too many LEGIT drops to be acceptable. If it wasn't legit, I would allow them to play, but since legit, it's ruining the game at NO-ONE's actual fault... which is preventable.

I agree with Omicron, if you want this to be "The Program" for dota... you have to have the features, ALL the features. Otherwise it becomes that much easier to throw away. Just think, so many hosts in these forums admit to using both banlist and .Arank, yet if you offer all the features banlist does, it might just be that much more incentive to decide "ahhh, I won't turn on blist this time, cause .Arank already does it all..."

08-06-2007, 12:51 AM
why discuss this here and in the poll section? we should concentrate on one discussion