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View Full Version : Ctrl + F system on the chat of the channels.

Law S
07-05-2011, 01:50 PM
Hi guys.

Yesterday I needed to find someone my friend talked on the channel, but I didn't.

So this time I'm here to suggest creating a Ctrl + F system on the chats, which able the people to searh for anything that got typed easily.

That's all.

Hope you guys like it.

07-05-2011, 03:25 PM
i think it's hard to do it....

07-05-2011, 04:57 PM
well, maybe we should implement:


them we could see all people with that nickname in the channels, and them private-him.

08-05-2011, 12:18 PM
i think it's hard to do it....

It's not, i think... T-up for idea.

Sir Rogers
08-05-2011, 10:10 PM
Does everyone agree with this proposition? If not use the 3 questions with apropriate answers of your chosing.

1) How should the search option be displayed and executed?
i.e. via chat: /find username

2) What should it do?
i.e. find all users with a similar username in the room that you entered the command in

3) How should the results be displayed?
i.e. Return a chatmessage from the server listing all of the search results.
/find dota
[Found] dotapr0, newtodota, dotaitself, then3wdota, wodotaispro

Sir Rogers

08-05-2011, 10:57 PM
Two separate propositions:
1.chat command

/find [string]
returns all usernames that contain that string, i.e. :

/find marc
Following nicknames found in channel: marcvs,marco,marcie,amamarc..

i still don't know which this function should return, should it search ALL users, users online in the room, or users vouched in the room. maybe different access level should allow different input

2. ctrl-F

find all words in chat containing wanted string, like in web browser, works client-side completely.

Your thoughts?

08-05-2011, 11:04 PM
Does everyone agree with this proposition? If not use the 3 questions with apropriate answers of your chosing.

1) How should the search option be displayed and executed?
i.e. via chat: /find username

2) What should it do?
i.e. find all users with a similar username in the room that you entered the command in

3) How should the results be displayed?
i.e. Return a chatmessage from the server listing all of the search results.
/find dota
[Found] dotapr0, newtodota, dotaitself, then3wdota, wodotaispro

Sir Rogers

!support..i think, better to add this function to RGC..

Law S
09-05-2011, 02:43 AM
Double post, I'm sorry.

Law S
09-05-2011, 04:47 AM
Does everyone agree with this proposition? If not use the 3 questions with apropriate answers of your chosing.

1) How should the search option be displayed and executed?
Ctrl + F system. By this way, you could find ANYTHING you were looking for.

2) What should it do?
Find anything related to the word that you typed.

3) How should the results be displayed?
By clicking on the Enter, the screen would roll from top to down, as it's already on the websites.

You could create also a /find <username> system, which would make easily to find a friend on a room who is from a clan.

Example: you don't know the clan that your friend is in, then you type /find <Lssj> then the name will appear on the right side (where the names of the people who are online on the channels are displayed)