View Full Version : My Collection Of Suggestions

10-05-2011, 03:02 PM
First of all, this is a tread containing all suggestions regarding RGC that come to my mind, so lets start with the commands.

Command Suggestions

!votermk [Tweak]
I thought it would be better if the command requires less than 4 players to be accepted as long as 2 leavers occurred within 10 minutes of game time, so that there is a way to stop a 3 vs 5 in the beginning.
The rest stays like it is.

!kickafk [New]
Since -kickafk can be abused in -cm if not everyone agrees to kick the afk (for example he told the team that he will be back soon.), its the best to add a separate command for -cm where the team has to vote to kick the player that is afk.

!rehost [Tweak]
I saw the most uses of this command when one of the captains were afk. But it was no use there because it requires 10 player to be accepted. So my suggestion is to change that to 9 players to give that command more use.

My suggestion for the design is to add check-boxes into the settings which let disable functions like the server list or the chat. So that you are able to make the whole client more compact if you want to.


Achievements and stats [New]
If there is some free time to spare and you don't know what to do, maybe add some achievements to the client. Achievements are a nice thing to fill some leaks and to increase the motivation of many player. This can be improved by stats as well. So that the client takes record of the time you play and the times you played to show everyone how much you have been playing. It can take record of you favorite hero and your favorite items.

HTML based profile [New]
Once the new homepage is done it would be nice to move the profile of each user to its own page. These pages can contain much more information about the user. The ranking, the achievements, the stats and the profile itself.

Matchmaking [New]
Well not much to say here. I suggest the suggested tier system.

Well that's it for now, once I get some new idea I'll be back.

Addition I

I suggest to add a secondary function to this command. Once you called out !ff the second time, it will display who of your team didn't ff so that you always know who didn't ff. thats not really important, but it's a nice to have feature.

!swap [Lobby only]
As mentioned by NiKolA`. A command that swaps two player as long as both agree upon it.

A command that displays the game time (bans/picks/preparation included)

Addition II

!mute <slot> [Lobby only]
A command that shuts down the communication to a specific player. Important is that only your client won't receive the messages from that user. Some personal muting.

Original posted by Sir Rogers

- Implementing the /find command inside the UI, as a textfield with a search button. (How will the results be displayed? In chat just as if you used the command? Need feedback on this one.)

Well you asked for it. You could try to do something like a group chat. Once you entered the name of the user a new channel, like the private once, opens, where all matching users are displayed in the user list.
Some kind of private, client side channel.

The "group chat" is just meant to be the layout. The matching users won't notice it until they get a PM.

10-05-2011, 04:20 PM
well. matchmaking system will solve !votermk and votekickafk, and this will be changed but not atm, when this will happen we will inform you guys, and for rehost it's made for leagues and tours games not for public games so i don't think this will change, you gave really nice suggestion but don't worry we are studing it, to give the perfect that you deserve

10-05-2011, 05:15 PM
I Loved the idea of !kickafk command(new) we should try ...dont we mr rgc admin ? :P

Sir Rogers
10-05-2011, 06:09 PM
First of all I'd like to thank you for this marvellous collection. Let me get started right away.

!votermk [Tweak]
I thought it would be better if the command requires less than 4 players to be accepted as long as 2 leavers occurred within 10 minutes of game time, so that there is a way to stop a 3 vs 5 in the beginning.
The rest stays like it is.

If it requires 4 votes with 2 leavers before firstblood, then that is a bug. I didn't think of that, I will check this immediately.

!kickafk [New]
Since -kickafk can be abused in -cm if not everyone agrees to kick the afk (for example he told the team that he will be back soon.), its the best to add a separate command for -cm where the team has to vote to kick the player that is afk.

Unfortunately that wouldn't solve a possible "abuse" situation, since the -kickafk cmd is still available. It's a DotA command, any issues surrounding that will need to be taken up with Icefrog, there is really nothing that I can do.

!rehost [Tweak]
I saw the most uses of this command when one of the captains were afk. But it was no use there because it requires 10 player to be accepted. So my suggestion is to change that to 9 players to give that command more use.

This command is not meant for normal games. It's a command fit for competitive games, or games where all 10 players are present. Its use case scenario is where one player drops and the reconnect system doesn't bring him back, the players can rehost and load the latest savegame.

My suggestion for the design is to add check-boxes into the settings which let disable functions like the server list or the chat. So that you are able to make the whole client more compact if you want to.

Could you please elaborate on this? More text or screenshots of the functionality that you're trying to describe would be good.

Achievements and stats [New]
If there is some free time to spare and you don't know what to do, maybe add some achievements to the client. Achievements are a nice thing to fill some leaks and to increase the motivation of many player. This can be improved by stats as well. So that the client takes record of the time you play and the times you played to show everyone how much you have been playing. It can take record of you favorite hero and your favorite items.

It's a good idea, but I can't give any additional comments on that right now. Since I got too many other technical things to take care of, this isn't anywhere close to high priority.

HTML based profile [New]
Once the new homepage is done it would be nice to move the profile of each user to its own page. These pages can contain much more information about the user. The ranking, the achievements, the stats and the profile itself.

- Big YES. That's on my todolist, since the clientprofiles are rather limited and it takes too much time to change them. A lot of things will be moved to the web once the page is done, for ease of use. I need to see where the balance between client/web display will be.

I'm looking forward to your reply.

Sir Rogers

10-05-2011, 09:54 PM
First of all, thank you for this great reply :)

To the !votermk cmd..
I saw many times that if someone left the game before firstblood the other team rushed for a firstblood just to stop them from remaking. In that situation a second leaver isn't that rare.
So my suggestion was that the team with the two leaver should be able to remake the game, even if firstblood was done. For sure not all the time but maybe until the 7 minute mark.
It's too sad that votermk with 7 players won't work in such a situation because most of the players are just greedy for points or were stuck in the exact same situation once and desire justice.
So all in all:

1 leaver before firstblood = 4 player to remake
2 leaver (in the same team) before the 7(just a random number that came to my mind) minute mark = 3 player to remake (or 4 to get 1 support from the other team)

If the second play leaves after this 7 minute mark, its the basic remake..
7 minutes seam to be much, but cm's picking phase is within that timer.

Next thing, !kickafk
I've seen that cmd working in any game mode but cm. I thought its disabled there, on that way the suggestion came to my mind.

Well that makes sense. Maybe another tweak of !votermk would solve the problem.
If you could use that command without a leaver it would make it easier to avoid afk caps in pub games. (of course 9 votes would be required for remake)

So lets come to the design, it got a bit short in my last post. So I'll try to give more details on that.
First of all, the client got many elements in its design.
1) The list of rooms you are currently in [left side of the client]
2) The chat with the userlist [middle]
3) Quickbar with buttons for Wc3, Profile, Rooms, etc [top]
4) The list of singed players [bottom right]
5) The list of open servers [right]
6) The list of running servers [ slightly top right]
7) The amount of running games [top right,]

So you got 7 different elements which all server their own purpose. But it also makes the client look overstuffed. My suggestion on that is to give the option to disable some of that elements if you don't need them.
For example we don't want 1,3,5,6 and 7. We just go to the settings and disable them so everything thats left is the chat and the list of singed players. You got all the information you want on a really small space. But it's important that the button for settings won't be disabled. so that you can change the layout at any time. It would really help out new users to hide some of that functions when they first use the client. But its useful for regular users too, because they can handle it like some kind of messenger. It could be small and efficient without the loss of size by rescaling it.
An other opportunity is an increase of performance since all the elements are updated all the time (for example chat or running games) and disabling them would increase the performance for other elements.
Con: it takes much time to code (depends on the language you are using) and would collide with the actual theming. Since this is not the only way to increase the performance it has a really low priority, like achievements and stats. They are nice to have but nothing too important.

You could load the HTTP page within the profile window of the client.
Con: the properties of the page have to be dimensioned for the window. That could be solved by an additional page so that there is one page for the profile in the launcher and one for web browsers. But thats a huge waste of time to code both with the exact same content.


12-05-2011, 11:32 AM
also !swap command is welcome in game loby , coz mates got problem to join same team some times.

16-05-2011, 02:51 AM

I suggest to add a secondary function to this command. Once you called out !ff the second time, it will display who of your team didn't ff so that you always know who didn't ff. thats not really important, but it's a nice to have feature.

!swap [Lobby only]
As mentioned by NiKolA`. A command that swaps two player as long as both agree upon it.

A command that displays the game time (bans/picks/preparation included)

17-05-2011, 11:57 PM
Addition I and II added to the original post.