View Full Version : comment on scoring system

30-07-2007, 05:26 PM
i'm sorry if this issue has been brought up prior to this but...

the one problem i have with the less than 3 players rule is that in some games the losing team tends to leave if we have been dominating and destroy mid barracks... and when those ppl leave my team leaves leaving me or maybe one other player to try to destroy the towers to end the game

is there any way to address this problem so that it wont ignore like a 30+ game with leavers?

i had a 72 minute game that became ignored among some other games..

30-07-2007, 06:04 PM
In situation when all left the game i suggest you to leave too. In any way you will not be counted as a leaver, if you leaved last.

30-07-2007, 10:38 PM
thanks for the comment, however I was just sayin that if everyone leaves after playing it out

the game will not count towards the rank because of the less than 3 rule despite the fact that there is a definitive winning side

in a nutshell i win they leave before tower dies so my hard worked game becomes useless

02-08-2007, 03:23 AM
thanks for the comment, however I was just sayin that if everyone leaves after playing it out

the game will not count towards the rank because of the less than 3 rule despite the fact that there is a definitive winning side

in a nutshell i win they leave before tower dies so my hard worked game becomes useless

I have the exact same issue, sometimes i need to BEG people to stay until the tower goes down, it makes me =(

03-08-2007, 04:58 PM
Thank your for your quetions! If there are less than 3 players finish the game there is no information for us what to do. If we'll begin to score such games some of you will recieve leave points in every 3 games of 15 (for example 1 player can wait about an hour after game was finished to send report - all other players will be counted as leavers).

03-08-2007, 06:47 PM
Is there no way around this issue?