View Full Version : Ban this leaver

20-05-2011, 05:56 PM
Replay: http://replay.garena.com/view.php?id=4dd68ccad8203


Requested Player Name: RLS-

Reason(s) why he deserves to be unvouched:

COMPLETLY ruined the game I mean COMPLETLY. We took the 2 barracks middle very early than 1 barrack top. Their throne was naked and he left cause we have no carry and thought we would not win but just after this bastard left we pushed their throne down to 400 hp 4VS5 with no carry but still lost cause we were 4VS5
You have to ban him from DR Community completly it's not aceptable to ruin a game cause of the rage of someone . Those guys ruin the community. Just please make a good action for all community ban him for life.

20-05-2011, 07:25 PM