View Full Version : DotaRank's False Promises & Segregation

19-09-2007, 01:13 AM
Regarding the image:


I cannot understand how you can immediately assume that 'noobs' are unplayable with. Continue generations of gaming and if you have no noobs, you have no gaming. Besides that, if anyone wants to try and be smart and argue that 'noobs' are not 'newbies' and that they are much worse, than please do visit wikipedia to clarify this myth - either way, a noob/newbie is someone new to the game whether with bad attitude or not, and segregating is unfair as no, they do not spoil games.

Besides this, I do wish to know how DotaRank PROMISES that there will be no noobs - do you have some kind of evolutionary scanning worm that creeps into our systems and decides whether we are noobs or not?

Whatever it is, I found that image very disturbing. It is a pathetic attempt at marketing and assumes that all of you are well-skilled at DotA, which I can safely assume is bullshit.

Flame me, go ahead - If you do it unconstructively, I welcome idiots. :)

19-09-2007, 03:07 PM
It is not just the image, it has the word "rank" in it which makes ppl think that they are playing with skilled players, but as it is discussed many times before that is not the case. Ppl with a high rank are awarded those ranks for not being leavers. My suggestion would be to change the name of Arank but i don't know if that's possible. I'm sure sometime in near future we will be seeing ppl with an attitude like "u noob shut up u have rank 10 and im 20." It will be pointless to argue with such a player and would be annoying to see that.

Although I agree with you on the ranking issue, I think exaggeration and lies is a part of a good advertisement. If ppl are starting to use Arank for this reason it may not be bad to say so, it will certainly decrease the leavers even if it doesn't affect the number of skilled players. Also there is the assumption that the players are not idiots and will learn sth by playing the game over and over again.

20-09-2007, 08:38 PM
i kind of agree its impossible to know they r good or bad,
also banlist is a bit better then this? though banlist has been out longer and this hasent had as many verisons as blist,
but i mean the sounds like Banned Player joined and so on, it would be good if you updated DotARank so it could ban to?

20-09-2007, 10:08 PM
DotaRank is now looking forward to new commands and especially LAG / DELAY REDUCING ! Everything takes time so please...developers are working hard.

Please be patient i ask u only this and we do not make False Promises !

Sir Rogers
20-10-2007, 01:27 PM
Flame me, go ahead - If you do it unconstructively, I welcome idiots. :)

I think you can welcome yourself then for just this post. A couple of things:

1) Where did we mention that a "noob" is not a "newbie"? Noone ever denied this, so please don't just go fight a team's collective general knowledge without any decent proof for it. That's very rude, and I will not say more, because I have learned to control my temper. It's a more educated way to deal with people like you.

2) DotaRank never promised anything. All you linked to is an image. The image has no words on it, does it? Images have many interpretations. The same goes for poetry. A poem can have multiple meanings, complex meanings inside them. The system is very easy. DotaRank gives points based upon amount of games played.
The more games one playes, the more experience he gets, therefore if there was to be a game created that was .Arank8+ only, there could not possibly be any noobs in the game, it would defy the theory of existence. And we do exist, don't we?

To come to an end, the only one here being rude and coming close to flaming is yourself. But I'll just leave the post to make my point.
It's not the best way to integrate into an existing community. That's just a little hint from my part.
Have a nice day.

27-10-2007, 08:21 AM
f4ntom = blueserver ???

29-10-2007, 06:42 PM
I'm sure sometime in near future we will be seeing ppl with an attitude like "u noob shut up u have rank 10 and im 20." It will be pointless to argue with such a player and would be annoying to see that.

I agree. The name "rank" can be understood in the common sense of rank, which includes a level of skill. But Arank does only mean a level of stays/leaves percentage.

But I still think this might lead to something good, which we would appreciate - consider some fools misunderstand the meaning of an Arank rank and try to be pro by raising in rank - this would make them leave less, and isn't that what Arank is all about? Lure them with misunderstood ranks, why not ;-)

29-10-2007, 08:04 PM
Well actually if you noticed we have win/loss ladder now. I can state that we will move the way to make dotarank exactly a skill-measuring tool with anti-leaver functions.