View Full Version : RGC Commands

07-06-2011, 10:23 PM
RGC Commands List :


This commands only works on the client!

/f add <name>
Adds a friend to your friendslist.

/f remove <name>
Removes a friend to your friendslist.

/j <channelname>
Joins a channel as long as you have the right to.

/whois <name>
Shows you the status of an user.

/p <name>
Shows you the profile of an user.

/w <name> <text>
Whispers a text to an user.

Change your status to "away from keyboard".

Show how many users are online, ingame and in how many channels.

Show current server time and your local time.

Clear all text from chat!

Find players on chat!

This commands only works in the lobby of a game!

Shows all the players current points.

Pings all the players currently in the lobby.

Shows who didnt put in !ready.

Tells the Bot that you are ready.

This commands only works ingame!

Show your ping.

Show pings all the players currently in the game.

You can forfeight the game with this command.

You can vote for a remake if someone left.


This commands only works on the client!

!host <gamename>
Hosts a game.

!kick <name>
Kicks a user out of the channel.

!clientkick <name>
Kicks a user out of the client.

!compban <name>
Ban a user from client.

!vouch <name> <reason>
Vouches a user into the channel. You can give a reason for the vouch.

!unvouch <name> <reason>
Unvouches a user with the reason for the unvouch.

!vouchhistory <name>
Gives the history of the user of the channels he is vouched/unvouched.

!timeban <name> <ban duration> <reason>
Time ban a user from the channel. Ban duration format: h=hour, d=day, w=week, m=month, y=year.
ex : !timeban user 1w flamer

!timeunban <name>
Removes timeban.

!baninfo <name>
Check if a user is banned and gives the ban information of the user.

!banhistory <name>
Gives the ban history of the user.

This commands only works in the lobby of a game!

!swap slotnumber1 slotnumber2
Swaps the players in the slotnumber1 and slotnumber2.

!open slotnumber
Opens the slotnumber.

!close slotnumber
Closes the slotnumber.

Starts the game if all the players are pinged.

!start force
Starts the game without pings.

Unhosts the current game. (Close it)

This commands only works ingame!

!kick slotnumber
Kicks the player with the slotnumber.

!ff sentinel/scourge
Forces ff for the team you choose.

Forces the game to end it.

!latency number (50-120)
Sets the latency.