View Full Version : Orb Walkin

17-12-2007, 03:24 PM
"Orb Walking" expression is used for stoping orb animations on heroes who have orbs as attacks (like bone , viper, silencer, visage, obsidian etc ) . The points is that heros like those after attacking need some time to do next attack because of animation of orb. Ofcourse that will slow you much in chasing and let your opponents flee. ALso to do "orb walk" you need to single cast your orbs (not on autocast), on istance with silencer "w" and left click on your target. Next images will explain how to do it. Silencer is used as instance
The images above are instances of his attack. So when last instance finishes (red one) , you move your hero a bit (toward enemy if you chase) and go again "w" click ... Like that you will evade animation and hit much faster, because you will not be forced to w8 for silencer to spin his glaives .
NOTE* if you cast your orbs manually enemy creeps will NOT attack you , just as enemy tower, because its considered as spell. If you attack enemy hero normaly or with orb on autocast, creeps/tower will attack you

To make sure you'll understand:

*Credit to Eurobattle.net.

19-12-2007, 11:28 PM
this is useful for normal attacking too, especially if your hero has low attackspeed ;D

20-12-2007, 06:59 AM
Ites the same tactic for spelling delay, and normal fire attacks... and etc.

29-01-2008, 06:45 PM
but for endgame with bone its not soooo good

couse he has enough attackspeed
and when you everytime have to klick "r" before the attack it will slow ur dmg^^

MfG ikZ XD

15-05-2008, 04:10 PM
very usefull, TNX a lot! ;D

05-06-2008, 10:47 PM
Yep with bone thats right^^

27-12-2008, 03:26 AM
In general it is useful to cancel any cast-animation for a couple of reasons:
- You can land an extra attack on your enemy
- You can cast another spell faster
- Moving targets are harder to aim for
- It keeps your actions-per-minute (apm) high and helps you to stay focused on the game (Helps you to keep yourself from falling asleep, also =))
- Silencers "last word" can actually be avoided by animation canceling (unless this was a bug and they fixed it)
- You don't look like a noob. =)

The hero you don't need to cancel your cast-animation is Invoker since he has none. But there are other tasks to master with this guy such as memorizing hotkey-combinations.

You can't use your orb-walking if you buy an extra orbeffect. For example: If you play Huskar with lifeleech, you need to activate autocast on burning spears to switch.

06-01-2009, 04:42 PM
Imo, this is best explained with Viper, not with Silencer, and it is very, very usefull tip, which everybody should use.

16-01-2009, 02:21 PM
Every skilled player knows that, its harrasing sistem.
Hit, move a mm, hit, move a mm...Nothing especially imho
but its a must with those casters as u said. . .bone, sile, viper...

28-10-2009, 06:24 PM
As I played Traxex last time I realized how awesome orb walking is ;)
Best thing ever...